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Human Rights Monitor Strongly Condemns Upsurge In Rape, Killings In Liberia

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Singles Out Some Police Officers Involvement

PHOTO: Jefferson Knight, Human Rights Monitor’s Director

By Augustine Octavius,

The United Methodist Human Rights Monitor has strongly condemned the killings and rape of people in several parts of the country in the recent times. The Rights Monitor’s Program Director, Jefferson Knight said worst of all is that some of these killings are linked to officers of the Liberia National Police, former convicts and partners.

Addressing a press conference in Monrovia recently, Mr. Knight said for an officer, who sole responsibility to protect life and property, can kill without tangible reason is scaring

He condemned the killing of a woman by an officer of the Liberia National Police in Paynesville out jealousy and anger

The United Methodist Human Rights Monitor’s Program Director  proposed  that government disarm any officer who is not on duty and the arm store in the armory.

“We are taking records of these violations and we want government to take punitive actions against these violators or else its officials who fails to deal these suspects will held accountable,” the rights advocate said.

He also called on the government to begin training officers of the Liberia National Police and other state security forces on the significant of human rights.

Mr. Knight encouraged the Justice Ministry to ensure that justice is served in order to avoid the constant killings by police officers and heartless individuals,

Commenting on the issue of rape, Mr. Knight encouraged the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection to be robust in tackling issues of gender-based violence.

He maintained for a police officer to be accused of raping a 15-yearold girl placed in his custody because of another threat of rape has placed a dark cloud on the image of the Liberia National Police.

“We should not allow our precious jewels to be abused as if we are living in a society characterized lawlessness, rape and murder,” Mr.

“This devilish acts geared toward violating or our women and children must stop.”     

According to Mr. Knight, Liberia is a country of laws not men and as  such, some devilish people should not be allowed to go about abusing the rights of children and allow to go with impunity.

“Liberia is gradually sliding to the country characterized by lawlessness, gansterism and insecurity because it has propensity to portray negative image of the country to the international community,” said the head of the United Methodist Church’s human rights group.

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