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Liberia & North Korea at Top of US Visa Refusal-UHRI And Rev. Torli Krua Raises Concern

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USA, It’s Do or Die: Visit West Point, Monrovia, Liberia & Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota, USA

The Universal Human Rights International

30 Gordon Street

Boston, MA, 02134 USA

Tel: 617-297-7551

August 18, 2024

For Immediate Release:

U.S. Embassy & Rev Torli Krua of UHRI Give Conflicting Justifications

US Embassy Claims Fraud

Rev Krua Claims Unmitigated 1st Nationality Act of 1790

Tuesday, August 20, 2024, Press Conference- Calling For Rebirth Of The United States Of America & Mitigation of H.R. 40

Contact: Rev. Torli H. Krua-6172977551

Boston, Massachusetts US Embassy in Monrovia claims fraud as a reason for the massive visa refusal of Liberians that nets millions of dollars for the U.S. Embassy since 1990. Rev. Torli H. Krua, a Bostonian of Liberian disagrees.

Rev. Krua claims there’s a secret order sent by the U.S. State Department to deny Liberian visa because of their nationality and race and that Liberia is a colony created by the United States, not the American Colonization Society specifically for ethnic cleansing, a crime against humanity!

Join the International Press Statement from Rev. Krua and join the interview on Zoom that follows. Invitation to both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump to spend two nights each at the poorest jurisdictions created by ongoing codified racism and the unmitigated 1st Nationality Act passed by dead slave masters and white supremacists. It’s Do or Die!

US Embassy: From the City of James Monroe:

The US Embassy near Monrovia interviews an average 10,000.00 applicants for nonimmigrant visa with a refusal rate of about 70%. Of the 30% who are granted visas, only half returns! Among Liberians who file for immigrant visas for relatives, 25% or 1 in 4 fail the DNA test, in other words, the applications are either fraudulent at the level of the embassy or at the spousal level where one parent has been made to believe that they are the parent of a child when in fact they are NOT.

Most of the victims (about 90%) are alleged fathers, surprisingly, there have been times where false mothers were picked up. If you take a look at the American immigration law it is very clear, if our return rate can just improve a little, more visas will be granted. If we get to an unlikely point of having a return rate of 97%, Liberians will be eligible for visa waiver.


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