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Liberia Unveils A New Tourism Brand Promising Amazing Discoveries

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MARGIBI, Liberia- High level government officials and international partners joined the Liberia tourism industry recently to unveil the country’s new tourism brand identity, 10-year marketing strategy, and tourism booth in the arrival hall at the Robert’s International Airport.

Liberia’s first-ever official brand promises adventure in what is the last and largest remaining portion of the Upper Guinea Rainforest.  With vast mountains, a thick “broccoli like” rainforest, 360 miles of pristine unbroken coastline, islands, lakes, waterfalls and a plethora of untouched natural attractions, the country’s tourism Minister, Mr. Ledgerhood Rennie, in a new promotional video invites visitors to “come and experience Liberia’s amazing discoveries.”

Seyougar Waterfall in Bong County 

As Keynote Speaker for this event on Thursday, January 27th, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia speaking on the various tourism documents developed to guide tourism development over the next ten years said, “these documents do not only describe the current status of the sector, but outlines possible investments and marketing strategies that will enhance growth and development.”

President George Weah present keynote address at Tourism Brand Launch event 

Speaking on behalf of the United Nations World Tourism Organization about the branding and marketing Launch of the Liberia tourism industry, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, UNWTO Secretary-General said, “UNWTO is committed to working with our African Member States to promote ‘Brand Africa’ and allow them to reach new audiences with a positive and inspiring narrative. This new brand and marketing initiative by Liberia will showcase its many and varied attractions and makes clear the country is ready to harness the power of tourism to drive growth and provide opportunities for all.”

(L-R) The East Nimba Nature Reserve Mountain Range, The winding rapids of the Sinoe River in the midst of the Sapo National Park 1

The Project is being carried out by the International Trade Center (ITC) and United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in collaboration with the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism (MICAT) and Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI), with funding from the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) Program.

Mr. Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director, EIF said, “The COVID-19 crisis presented an opportunity to appreciate the significance of the tourism sector in contributing to sustainable economic recovery. The Enhanced Integrated Framework is pleased to have supported these efforts, together with our valued partners, which will undoubtedly allow Liberia’s tourism sector to realize its full potential.”

Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, Minister Lance Gbagonyon, MICAT said “The objectives of the Project are to increase knowledge and awareness on the sector; develop tourists’ services facilities; improve coordination and advocacy, particularly governance; and brand and promote the sector.”

The Liberia National Tourism Association (LINTA) has played a critical role in the overall delivery of the branding and marketing strategy. According to Mrs. Mai Urey, President, LINTA, “the launch of the brand today gets Liberia a promise, and it is the responsibility of all stakeholders to individually and collectively keep this promise of “amazing discoveries” alive. This is a challenge, most especially, to my colleagues in the private sector. 

In unveiling the brand and marketing strategy, Ms. Hesta Baker, ITC’s National Branding and Marketing Consultant said, Liberia stands to gain 80,000 visitors, create 2,000 new jobs, add $120 million dollars in foreign exchange and benefit local communities and entrepreneurs in various districts and towns by 2025 once the plan is implemented.  She introduced the new logo and slogan “Amazing Discoveries” and said the brand promises the “freedom to explore and discover Liberia’s virgin rainforest; cultural confluences; point break waves; unchained heritage of Africa’s oldest republic; and warmth of our tropics.”

Juanita Yiah, Director of Tourism, MICAT who travelled the length and breadth of Liberia with Baker in developing the Compendium of Resources as well as image and video library brought the brand to life in a promotional video showcasing  Liberia’s “amazing discovers.”

Closing out the program, Minister of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism, Ledgerhood Rennie thanked the President, partners and his MICAT staff for their continual support and hard work, sending a clear message that the sector is on an upward trajectory.


About the Tourism Development Project 

The Liberia Tourism Development project emanates from the National Export Strategy on Tourism 2016-2020 and responds to the implementation of the Strategy. It has an objective of developing the tourism sector offerings by: a) improving the policy environment and institutional capacity; b) developing new tourism destinations around surfing and other historical and natural attractions; and c) undertaking targeted promotion and advocacy campaigns to promote tourism to international, regional and domestic markets. Specifically, the project aims at: a) establishing a tourism information booth at the Monrovia Roberts International Airport, b) developing tourist reception facilities at the Robertsport beach-front, the Providence Island and the Marshall Island; and c) developing a tourism marketing strategy and a tourism brand identity for Liberia, focusing on Robertsport as a surf tourism destination.

The project is implemented by the International Trade Centre in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry; the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism; and the United Nations World Tourism Organisation. It is funded by the Enhanced Integrated Framework Programme.

 For more information please contact:

Hesta Baker

+231 (0) 776 812 314 (whatsapp/cellular)


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