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Liberian Promotes “WRITE IN” Ballot Option To Save Divided USA

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Rev. Torli H. Krua

Is the only Superpower on the Earth, the Great “United” States of America” great and united? Truth matters! “And you shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall set you free!” Truthfully, America is a deeply divided democracy that was hijacked 234 years ago on March 26, 1790, by slave masters, white supremacists, and forever colonizers of Americans. In 2024, the nuclear-armed and divided America is not only a global security risk, but America is now on the brink of a catastrophic collapse due to internal irreconcilable political, and partisan divisions that can be traced to the unmitigated codified racism[1] of 1790  (H.R. 40). – YES! “United we stand. Divided we fall!”  Uniting America through the “WRITE IN” ballot option is as easy as 1, 2 &3!

Firstly, all voters who truly believe America is divided and also believe “divided we fall” must reject partisan victory until national reconciliation is achieved because it was a partisan victory that got America in the mess of partisan gridlock. On July 4, 1776, the United States of America was founded on the BLUEPRINTS of TRUTH; “all men and created and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” Although America was by no means perfect because it was created by imperfect human beings, the stated values of “TRUTH”, and “inalienable rights” upon which the United States was founded gave America the potential for greatness. However, fourteen years later, on March 4, 1790 (HR40), the forces of greed, and slavery fought and won America’s first partisan debate on the questions of “inalienable rights”, racism, and human dignity in the U.S. Congress dominated by a majority of wealthy slave masters. While in 1790, slavery and corruption won the debate, in 2024 voters have an opportunity to put our divided country back on track and avert America’s impending catastrophic collapse!

Secondly, voters who truly believe that all human beings are created equal must vote for the TRUTH and stop seeking partisan victory. The United States of America, the first country in recent memory to be established solely on the value of inalienable rights of all human beings also became the very first country to codify racism and Apartheid when the 1st Nationality Act, was signed on March 26, 1790, by George Washington, a man who enslaved African Americans all the days of his life. Since that fateful day of victory for partisan division, and slavery, corrupt American politicians have never mitigated the ongoing harm suffered by enslaved African Americans. Instead, politicians seeking partisan victory have repeatedly used the deceptive rhetorics of “the lesser of two evils” to trick citizens into voting to sustain the partisan reign of evil for over two centuries. Americans were tricked into fighting unjust wars, including the invasion of Iraq, based on false claims. Americans were also tricked into dishonoring the International Court of Justice rectified by 193 countries and the International Criminal Court rectified by 124 countries. We permanently allied our military might of over 800 billion dollars in the annual budget to support the violent British Monarchy and European colonizers in two world wars while our allies raped, tortured, and castrated opponents of British colonization.

In 2024, we, as American voters do see the light of TRUTH, and reject THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS AS EVIL! WRITE IN ballot option is a tiny spark of light and TRUTH capable of uniting America! The “WRITE IN” option brings Americans together to elevate the TRUTH and guarantees “inalienable rights.”

In conclusion, the TRUTH about America’s two centuries of the reign of the “lesser of two evils” partisan accomplishments is shocking and unbelievable; our alliances have been inspired by money, not freedom. In the eyes of millions of people worldwide, including Americans brutally colonized, our eternal ally, Great Britain isn’t Great, but a nation of cowards that is yet to return wealth stolen during centuries of atrocities and colonization! To millions of human beings tortured, raped, castrated, and killed for opposing colonization, King Charles is not sovereign, but a brutal unrepentant criminal who doesn’t believe in the BLUEPRINT of democracy; “All men are created equal and free with ‘inalienable rights endowed by their Creator!”  America’s freedom never liberated Native Americans and enslaved Africans at home or Africans trapped by our European allies in colonized Africa. Instead, America became the inspiration for notorious racists such as Nazi Germany[2], and Apartheid South Africa. Even after the South Africans reconciled and ended Apartheid, America unapologetically kept Mandela[3] on its ‘TERRORIST LIST” for 18 years!  With partisan divisions accelerating the collapse of America, I call on voters to join me and use the “WRITE IN” option on every ballot to wreck the 270 electoral college vote for partisans and take America back to the drawing table; “United (WRITE IN) we (must) stand!”




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