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Liberia’s Archives values and Images now restored

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-Says National Archives Center management

Liberia’s National Archives values and image has been restored in its ten months in office, the administration the Center for National Documents and Records Agency (CNDRA) said in Monrovia on Friday.

According to a CNDRA press statement, the National Archives administration headed by Director General C. Neileh Daitouah and Deputy Director General for Administration Kollie Kamara “have done a tremendous job in enhancing the country’s place among archival institutions in West Africa.”

Over the last months, the administration has managed to build an enviable reputation ensuring that historical significant records are made available to the public, the agency said.

These records are for a variety of research uses, including teaching purposes, legal proceedings, and publications among others.

The CNDRA says preserving the Liberian Archives reputation is very crucial to attracting investments into the country.

Meanwhile, the National Archive Center administration is calling on CNDRA employees to be more visible and proactive in their dealings, in order to make the desired impact.

This will help promote Government’s Pro-Poor Agenda for Development and Prosperity.

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