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Liberia’s COVID-19 Spike Dawning: 2 New Deaths in 24hrs, 41 New Infections In 3 Days

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By Our Staff Reporter

Liberia’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Francis Kateh predicted this weeks ago in an interview with state broadcaster, ELBC: a big rise in the number of Coronavirus/VOVID-19 cases in the country, if the public don’t abide by the health measures.

And his predicting is now becoming a reality with the number of people coming down with the virus on a big increase on the daily basis, with the latest COVID-19 Update from the National Public Health Institute (NPHIL) recording 41 new confirmed cases in just three days.

On June 26, 2020, the figures show 729 new infections, but in a space of 72 hours the number of new confirmed recorded case rose to 770 by June 28, 2020 and Health sources expect this number to rise even further over the next week, as more testing is being done.

Within 24 hours between June 27 and 28, two persons died from the Coronavirus pandemic in this West African Country, but thankfully with 14 new recoveries within the same period, according to NPHIL’s report.

For some local observers and health workers, the increase in the rate of infection is coming as no surprise, because over the past week, a large segment of the general public have not been respecting the basic COVID-19 preventive measures. This includes regular washing of hands with soap and water, Social Distancing and wearing of nose or face masks in public places.

Series of State of Emergency and lockdown measures seem not to have kept the rate of infection down over the past weeks, As restrictions and lockdown measures were eased over the past weeks, the number of cases was already on an upward trend.

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