Liberia SocietyPress Release

Like MLK’s Dream: The Dream Of A Different Liberia Begins With The Master’s’ Reflection Of The Current Corrupt System

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Sovereign Citizens Convention

For Immediate Release:

Contact: Rev. Torli H. Krua-857-249-9983

According to US Ambassador McCarthy, corruption in Liberia is over 200 years old, institutionalized and not limited to one political party or administration.”

Corruption is a cancer existing in Liberia’s DNA, blueprint and design which was envisioned and initiated by the Government of the United States and brutal, racist and high-ranking American slave masters who headed of all three branches of Government of the United States who are still honored ignorantly by Liberians: President James Monroe-Monrovia, Chief Justice John Marshall-Marshall Territory and Marshall City and Speaker Henry Clay, Clay Street and Clay-Ashland!

Liberia, an African nation boldly brandishing something similar to Satan worship by honoring brutal American slave masters for two (2) centuries of American Colonization. Corrupt Liberia doesn’t need Fixers, RESCUERS OR AN INAUGURATION with a flawed electoral system that is neither free nor fair and while still bearing slave branding as the land of slave master Monroe with two centuries of a two tier citizenship since 1822 and also in 2024; 1st class Liberian citizens like me hold American and Liberian Passports and head the Legislature and Executive Branch of Government! At the same time, the United States exploits all 2nd class citizens in  millions of dollars through an unjust enrichment visa scheme-visa fees taken without the intent to grant visa!

Incredibly, in a deadly winter, some Liberian refugees languish for years without green cards but Ukrainians enjoy green cards! America also allows millions of citizens from 42 countries into the USA without visa, including former enemies, Japan, Korea, Germany, ignoring the American Declaration of Independence (“All men are created equal”) and Article 1 of the Liberian Constitution of 1824 approved in Washington DC is still in force: “All persons born in Liberia…are entitled to all privileges enjoyed by citizens of the United States.” The Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation and diplomatic reciprocity (American citizens fleeing racism entered Liberia without visa for over a century-Liberia was created to implement American Apartheid).  Until American politicians treat Liberians with human dignity, Ambassador Greenfield and President Biden’s Delegation are not welcomed and I will not vote for President as my vote was a mistake> I am not alone. Many Africans agree with me!

Liberia voted with the US to resist ceasefire when majority of countries worldwide are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the humanitarian crisis of the bombing of Palestinian babies (25,000 human beings killed by Israel and 1200 killed by Hamas and over 100 still being held as hostages), which is sponsored by American taxpayers and voters who elected Biden like me.

What’s more? Over USD$70 billion dollars of American taxes have been poured into the Russian Colonization of Ukraine in the name of defending democracy in a corrupt country. With millions of dollars unlawfully taken from poor Liberians in “nonrefundable” visa fees by the US Embassy in Monrovia, it seems corrupt American President and slave master James Monroe’s grip on economic exploitation of Liberians didn’t stop with the people he enslaved during and after his presidency-Monroe, although dead and gone still rules supreme in the Land and City of Monroe (MONROVIA), exploiting more Africans on the continent of Africa, which ignorant Liberians still honor him 200 years after the death of the corrupt brutal slave master!

Congress and Biden are fighting Russian Colonization of one country, Ukraine but the United States still colonizes hundreds of sovereign Native American Nations and one African Nation, Liberia for over 200 years; “Charity begins at home.” Congress must mitigate the ongoing harm of codified racism by Congress and signed by three presidents who enslaved hundreds of Americans before, during and after their presidency and until they died ( 1st Nationality Act of March 26, 1790, still unmitigated in 2024, signed by slave master and President George Washington, The Indian Civilization Act & colonization law (created Liberia) of March 3, 1819 signed by corrupt president and slave master James Monroe and the Indian Removal Act of 1830 signed by slave master and president Andrew Jackson)

In 2024, American politicians are destroying the United States by widening the division initiated by codified racism, instead of mitigating the ongoing harm of codified racism that has killed millions of Americans!  March 26, 1790, (Only “white persons” were eligible for US citizenship) and the March 3, 1819 Act that appropriated USD$100,000.00 American taxes and authorized the US Navy to create a colony in Africa (Liberia), which illegally removed and colonized United States Citizens of color to fulfill the domestic and foreign policy objectives of the United States Government :  “…is most confidently believed, the colonization of the free people of color, will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, is it proper to regard this happy consequence to both, as the sole object which the Society hope to attain…”

Until the blueprint of Liberia, envisioned, designed and created without a single person of African descent aka the DEADLY TRAP that the Government of the United States and three racist presidents and slave masters who enslaved hundreds of African Americans are abandoned, Americans politicians and Liberian politicians both BLACK and WHITE do not deserve their salaries which come from American and Liberian taxes because codified racism is against the American values and principles enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence (“All men are created equal”)

Until America’s corruption sanctions are not selective, and until millions of dollars in funds unlawfully taken from poor Liberians in “nonrefundable” visa fees since 1990 are fully refunded with interest, until U.S. visa waiver is granted to all Liberians just as it is for all citizens of Sovereign Native American Nations who lived in America before the American Declaration of Independence, all the top Liberian politicians in the opposition and ruling parties with American passports and excessive salaries and benefits higher than American politicians… Until American politicians paid by our taxes listen to voters, HON. LINDA THOMAS GREENFIELD & PRESIDENT BIDEN’S DELEGATION TO THE INAUGURATION ARE NOT WELCOMED TO THE “SYSTEMICALLY CORRUPT” AMERICAN COLONY-LIBERIA! In solidarity with the dead babies, I will not vote for President Biden and I urge all Africans and Americans to vote for a third party!


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