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Marketers Cry Out For Better Facility In Boys Town Near Monrovia

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PHOTO: Local market official, Rebecca Kumabaly

By Charles Gbayor,

BOYS TOWN, Liberia- Several Marketers at the George R. Smith in Boys Town, Lower Margibi County are   calling on President George Mannah Weah and his Coalition for Democratic Change Government for the construction of better market facility in lower Margibi County.

The George R. Smith Market in Boys Town, Lower Margibi County is one of the County most populated exchange point with over four hundred Marketers selling local and imported commodities on a daily basis.

Speaking recently, Miss. Rebecca Kumabaly general superintendent Liberia Marketing Association Margibi County Chapter, said our market condition is very terrible and this involve human life as well.

She described President Weah as Market builder and lauded him for the construction for several markets in and out of Monrovia.

“We are trying our possible best to maintain this decline structure but we cannot just continue maintaining it before unfortunely its falls on us, he has done it for others market across Monsterrado County and I believe  he can also do it for us.”

Miss. Kumabaly told that her office is not receiving is not any support from the head office of the Liberia Marketing Association in Monrovia at Rally Town Market.

The General Superintendent of the George R. Smith Market in Boys Town narrated that Margibi County District Representatives Tarpoweh  has been interfering with their affairs  something she described as bad and causing the continues separation of the marketers in that area.

Miss. Kumabaly lamented that madam Mary Broh visited the Market ground yesterday and told marketers to leave the street to protect their and saves their  lives ,because it risky to sell alone the road.

“Our Marketers safety is our number one priority as market administration and we continue to encourage them to leave the street and find suitable areas to sell, selling on the street is risky and bad

“Our building is in very deplorable Condition and we have been appealing to the Liberian government and international governmental organizations and non -governmental organizations to help construct a market for us,” she told this Reporter.

Miss. Kumabaly narrated that on several occasion the district lawmaker has stopped some marketers who have left the main  building returning and when the commissioner of the district  make any attempt to call police Himself will bring Police form  Headquarters of the Liberia National Police to protect those selling on the streets of Boys Town.

The marketer say will not leave the streets and they will continue to sell here, until better market facility is provided.

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