Liberia SocietyLiberian NewsPress Release

Millennium Challenge Corporation Confirms Liberia’s Selection To Develop A New Compact

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Press Release

MCC Selects Liberia as Eligible for New Partnership

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has selected Liberia as newly eligible to develop a compact. Liberia was selected as eligible in recognition of the country’s commitment to pursuing critical economic and democratic governance reforms.

MCC expects all partner countries to continue to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the principles of inclusive democratic governance that underpin MCC’s eligibility criteria.  Eligibility does not guarantee that Liberia will receive a compact program. MCC and the U.S. Embassy look forward to working closely with the Government of Liberia to launch the compact development process.

The size and content of the final program is contingent on analytical work done in partnership between MCC and the Government of Liberia, the availability of funds, and approval of the proposed program by the MCC Board of Directors.

MCC is a U.S. government agency working to reduce global poverty through economic growth. Created in 2004, MCC provides time-limited grants that pair investments in infrastructure with policy and institutional reforms to countries that meet rigorous standards for good governance, fighting corruption, and respecting democratic rights.

“MCC is proud of our longstanding history with Liberia and is enthusiastic about embarking a new partnership to advance opportunities for the people of Liberia,” said MCC’s Chief Executive Officer Alice Albright.

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