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More Pressure Mounts On Liberian Senate, From Liberia Human Rights Platform

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PHOTO: L-R Human Rights Advocate Adama Dempster & Senators Johnson and Sherman

By Augustine Octavius,>

The Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform of Liberia has joined the call for the Liberian Senate to immediately withdraw the names of Senators Prince Johnson and Varney Sherman from the leadership of that august body.

On Wednesday, the United States expressed disappointment in the Liberian Senate for the election of Senators Prince Johnson and Varney Sherman on the leadership of that august body.

Addressing a press conference after a mass meeting of the human rights community in Congo Town Friday, May 21, 2021, the platform’s Secretary General, Adama Dempster said the election of Senators Prince Johnson and Varney Sherman is a slap in the faces of the Liberian people and it poses a threat to the national security and undermines genuine peace and democracy.

According to him, the election will not promote reconciliation but will further deepen the wounds of thousands of Liberians and foreign nationals who were and are still affected by their action against humanity.

Sen. Johnson of Nimba County has repeatedly defended his role in the 14 years brutal civil war in Liberia by saying that he took up against the former Samuel K. Doe regime to defend the people of his county against alleged attempt to wipe them out. And his MDR party this week reacted sharply to the US Embassy’s statement, describing it as a travesty of justice, as Sen. Johnson  has not been found guilty in any court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

For Sen. Sherman, a veteran Lawyer in Liberia, he had called  on the US Treasury Department that accused him of corruption to give him his day in court so that that allegations against him can be proven.

“Their elections will further pose threat to human rights and war and economic crimes court campaigners based on his (Prince Johnson’s) public condemnation and verbal attacks on individuals and their efforts regarding establishing of war and economic crimes court in Liberia,” Mr. Dempster said

The Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform’s Secretary General added that their elections will further scare away investors and international partners who are poised to helping Liberia’s economic recovery and development.

The platform described the election of Senators Johnson and Sherman, both of who are sanctioned by the United States , on the leadership of the Liberian Senate is undemocratic , morally wrong, slap to good governance and accountability as well as clear endorsement for impunity.

The human rights community in Liberia noted that the action of the Liberian Senate to elect Nimba County lawmaker, a notorious and unrepentant warlord and Grand Cape Mount senator to chair such sensitive committees is embarrassment to Liberia and undermine the spirit to promoting human rights and accountability in the country.

Mr. Dempster maintained that senate committees on defense and judiciary are sensitive committees that should be headed by personalities with unquestionable integrity, that will not jeopardize the national security and the human rights standards in the country.

“Such positions are not made for persons who are alleged to committed war crimes and are not remorseful for their actions,” adding: “because putting such persons in these positions of authority is making caricature of our country before the international community which will rightly interpret the action as endorsing impunity and closing the door to accountability,” the Liberian human rights advocate asserted.

“Maintaining such individuals in such positions is sending a very wrong signal to Liberians that anybody can commit war crimes and judicial corruption and go free because those who committed similar crimes were rewarded with elected positions and political appointments instead of punishment.”

The human rights community has made it clear that the Liberian Senate has the legal and moral duty to ensure that persons who in the way or the other contributed to the hardship of the Liberian people do not occupy sensitive leadership position.

Mr. Dempster drew the attention of the Liberian Senate to the United Nations Human Rights Committee Concluding Observation recommendation made the Liberian government in 2018.

The recommendation stated that the state party should as matter of priority, establish a process of accountability for the past gross human rights violations and war crimes that conforms to international standards.

The recommendation also mandated state party to ensure that all alleged perpetrators of gross human rights violations and war crimes are impartially prosecuted and if found guilty, convicted and punished in accordance with the gravity of the acts committed. This is regardless of their status or domestic legislation immunities and remove any persons who proven to have been involved in gross human rights violations and war crimes from official positions, the Liberian human rights group said.

The Human Rights Advocacy Platform welcomed efforts made by Liberia’s international partners including the United States, the European Union, the African Union , ECOWAS in the maintaining the peace in the country

Mr. Dempster admonished the international community to stand by the disadvantaged Liberians including victims of the wars including women, children and the disabled community.


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