
MOVEE Party Trying To Strike The Gender Balance, Ahead Of 2023 Elections

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Women’s political representation and empowerment are beginning to get the required national traction, with the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) electing females to 7 of its 15 county chairperson positions, constituting 43.3%.

With this latest action, MOVEE claims to have set a new norm for women’s political engagement and empowerment in Liberia, recently announcing a landmark achievement at the conclusion of its county conventions, with other political parties including the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) yet to satisfy the 30% gender quota. 

MOVEE, was founded by former Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) Governor, Dr. Mills Jones who unsuccessfully ran for the presidency in the 20117, is now being led by the party’s former National Chairman, Maxwell Kemayah, political leader Liberia’s current standard Bearer. He recently held a big program at the MOVEE’s Paynesville headquarters to rebrand it. 

the party claimed that New MOVEE is conducting politics in a different way.

in order to establish a new political trajectory that makes political parties more answerable to the public and sensitive to issues that are crucial to Liberia and the future of its people,

The chairman added, “We are quite impressed and proud of the milestone that this achievement has established,” in reference to his party’s success. MOVEE continues, “MOVEE feels that it is not sufficient to continuously condemn while making no attempt to practically contribute to national development. At the recently concluded conventions in the fifteen (15) counties, which lasted 22 days, MOVEE elected seven (7) women, making up 43.3% of the 15 elected county chairpersons. 

“I have come to joyfully announce the completion of the Party’s county conventions, which have set a new record for women’s political involvement and empowerment in Liberia,” Mr. Robert M. Sammie stated in a statement released at the Party’s headquarters in Paynesville on Sunday November 27, 2022. We give God praise for the teams’ safe return from the conventions’ fieldwork, which began on November 3 in Montserrado County and finished on November 23, 2022, in Grand Gedeh County. 

Bringing women to the national decision-making table, according to the Party, is one of the most pressing concerns in the world, but many political parties and leaderships in Liberia are accused of downplaying it over time. 

“MOVEE considers it a huge setback for Liberia’s most important collective efforts for national development to put women at the margins of national decision-making. Women contribute and have views that are equally as valuable to the national conversation about politics and development as males do. As a result, Mr. Sammie stated, “missing such contributions is a grave error that we must right now.” 

The National Executive Committee of MOVEE will now include more women, the party’s chairman announced. This move comes as Liberia observes the 16 Days of Activism Against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SDGV) against Women. “This decision has set MOVEE apart from every other party in the lengthy political history of Liberia, and it has ultimately established MOVEE as the cradle of women’s political participation and empowerment, where other political parties will seek advice on women’s political empowerment,” said the decision’s author. 

However, the head of the MOVEE credited Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah’s unwavering and unrivaled stance for gender equity among his colleagues for his party’s success. 

The chairman credited Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., our political leader, whose commitment to gender parity is unwavering and unparalleled among his contemporaries, for this great moment in history. 

The Party claimed that its accomplishment was brought about by a statement made in public by its political head on October 8, when he accepted the responsibility for giving the party political direction.

“Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, let me remind you that in line with H. E. Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Kemayah’s public statement on October 8 that we should go to any length to develop strategies that could attract and bring on qualified women to take seats at the table of decision-making, I am pleased to submit that MOVEE has made significant progress in this direction and has set a remarkable record in Liberia’s political history. 

Chairman stated that MOVEE feels it is not sufficient to continually criticize while making no attempt to practically contribute to national progress, adding that they are very impressed and proud of the milestone that this achievement has achieved. 

During the recently finished conventions in the fifteen (15) counties, which lasted 22 days, MOVEE elected seven (7) women, making up 43.3% of the 15 elected county chairpersons. 

Madam Malominee B. Smith, the chair of Montserrado County, Madam Miatta Varmah, the chair of Gbarpolu County, Madam Estina Y. Smith, the chair of Bomi County, Madam Georgia Coleman, the chair of Grand Cape Mount County, Madam Garmai Walagai, the chair of Bong County, Madam Kebeh Pewee, the chair of Lofa County, and Madam Sarah Dahn, the chair of Margibi County. 

And the men who were chosen to lead their respective counties are Mr. Prince Mehn, County Chair of Nimba, Mr. James Waylee, County Chair of Grand Gedeh, Mr. Anthony Wesseh, County Chair of RiverGee, Mr. Stephen Russell, County Chair of Maryland, Mr. Jocab Nyemah, County Chair of Grand Kru, Mr. Gabriel Treason, County Chair of Sinoe, Mr. Arthur Weedy, County Chair of Grand Bassa, and Mr 

Until all Liberians are given the tools to overcome poverty and realize their full potential and until women are given equal seats at the national decision-making table, where their voices are louder and heard in all perspectives and at all levels, just as they are for their male counterparts, Mr. Sammie said it is a new beginning of a long journey that will not end. 

“For this reason, we continue to welcome everyone, especially those who are weary and burdened by political marginalization and are looking for change. We are inviting you to join us as we create a powerful party to alter the political narratives in Liberia. He ends by saying, “We are the New MOVEE, and we are Moving the New MOVEE Forward.”

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