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NaFAA Boss Emma Glassco Wants Media To Stop Portraying Negative Image About Liberia

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PHOTO: NaFAA DG Emma Glassco addressing the PUL ceremony

The National Fishery and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) Director General, Emma Glassco has called on the media abolish publishing negative things about the country that will give Liberia “negative image” in the international world.

Mrs. Glassco made the call over the weekend, when she served as keynote speaking at the 58th Anniversary of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) in Sanniquellie, Nimba County.

She said: This is beyond politics, because when the image of the country is damaged through media publications on the government or whatsoever, it does not automatically go away even when there is a new government. It is a vice that we will have to live with for a long time, like the scars we still have from the civil war. What we put out there is how people see us.

Madam Glassco’s speech continues below:

We in this generation, must challenge ourselves to make the change. This is beyond politics; it is about patriotism, it is about rebranding a nation we call home, it is about attracting investment and tourists.

My fellow compatriots, in order to address this issue, our contents and publication on the digital media space must sell an attractive brand to redirect people to Liberia and change the views and thinking about our country on the international stage.

My fellow citizens and members of the media, we have to use every media platform to provide positive image of our country. It should be about seeing the glass half full and not half empty.

For instance, we do have challenges at the Fisheries, our constituents are aware of these challenges. We do not inundate them with news of complaints and negative vices, we see the efforts they have made and we encourage them to do better. Today we have become a brand for innovation and success. 

Therefore, I will urge you, that even as you perform your professional duties as journalists to your country, be reminded to put the country first, above politics, personal interest and sensation. Let the content give apromising picture. It will reflect on us as a people. As we say in photo journalism, a photo tells the whole story.

The NaFAA expressed  to the Liberian media, on behalf her  team  at NaFAA, extend her heartfelt gratitude for the level of support the media have provided our sector. Your coverage of our programs, the airing of our press releases, jingles, announcement and even providing the platform on your talk shows to lift our stories, have gone a long way in remodeling, rebranding and developing the Fisheries sector in Liberia.

Today, we cherished the partnership we have with you, we were able to reach our over 30 thousand Local fisher folks and over 300 thousand direct and indirect beneficiaries of the sector across the coastline on development programs, new policies including our new fees structure, and We say thanks to the media;

With your partnership, we have ensured the coastal dwellers and fisher folks are well informed of the cooperative management program as well as programs for the Motor engines and multifilament nets distribution, again we say thanks to the media;

With your partnership, we have empowered our fish mongers
(women in fisheries) and fish traders with knowledge on the FAO new fish drying technology, and attracted funding to grow their business, again we say thanks to the media

With your support, we have informed the public and the international community of all our development programs we have attracted, operating an open-fisheries governance system that has attracted the admiration of our international partners and committing more financial support to the sector… Thanks to the Media;

We can safely say, we are reaping bountifully from our investment in these partnerships. No one here can disagree with me, that NaFAA is a household name in every part of the Country as well as on the Socialmedia. It is all about marketing and our messages have resonated well.

Thank you, our partners in progress. You have done these and so much more. Even as we congratulate you on your 58th Anniversary, we are also celebrating our successes with you as our integral partner.

Let me recognized my media team led by Mr. Lewis E. B. Konoe, a veteran Liberian Journalist. My team at NaFAA was carefully selected as we knew the strategic role they would have played in developing the sector. On the soft side, Lewis always has a draft press release… They are so efficient and I congratulate them too on this historic occasion. The composition of our media team is an example to emulate, we have a Newscaster and Reporter, we have a talk-show host, we have a social media professional and we have an entertainer.  We are covered!

With our experience at NaFAA, I will call on the public and private sector to see the mass media as the prime asset and strategic partner in any successful investment and national development program that, will provide apositive image of the Country. The media remains one of the most efficient ways of rebranding a country’s image, disseminating information for better service delivery and helping expand business territories by attracting investors.

Also, we must see our local media as a partners, an investment, and an asset. There cannot be a success in public sector development without the help of the media. The message must get the across. Those to be affected by our actions and we as decision makers must listen to our people. There is no better medium than the media platform.

Today, NaFAA is a clear example of the success in harnessing the opportunities the media provides. Therefore, we reiterate our call on other institutions, whether private or public to take advantage of this opportunity provided on the digital media space. It is all about efficient service delivery, effective marketing strategy and reaching most of your beneficiaries orconsumers! It is about rebranding. 

Like Dr. Lawrence Bropleh, Former Minister of Information of Liberia, always says, “Changing minds and Changing attitude”, I agree with him that it is the first step for rebranding. However, we go further to say to our media, our change should be what we report and the content we publish. The news and images we put out there, will define us as a people. 

Finally, with the rapid growing digital media, that is effecting the income of media business, especially the print media, it is about time that media institution ventures into other businesses to support their media institutions. Investment in fisheries could be a perfect option. 

There are many investment opportunities. For instance, you could invest in fish farming, or get a boat and start fishing. This could provide extra revenue support to your business. Liberia is endowed, with many water bodies and wetland suitable for fish farming and fishing. 

Additionally, there is still a gap in our fisheries program which leads to post harvest loss. Bridging that gap is an investment opportunity that you can take advantage of to invest. Our fisher folks need cold storage facilities, ice supply and an instant market for their catches. This will increase local production by at least 20% and reduce the fish demand deficit. 

You can invest in supplies, such as feeds, nets, motor engines, Mobile refrigerators, etc. As a Liberian business, you will be surprise to know that there are many incentives out there to protect your business establishment. 

Therefore, we need to take our economy in our hands, especially the fisheries sector. We can do it! NaFAA is there to provide you all the support in starting up. 

On the other hand, Fisheries is more than fishing. The sector has a lot of career opportunities, we have Fisheries Economics, Fisheries Management, Fisheries Law, Fisheries Governance, and Fisheries Science. We also, have Aquaculture, Oceanographic, and many other related fields. 

NaFAA in partnership with the University of Liberia and with support from the World Bank will be establishing a Fisheries Department at the University of Liberia. 

This program will also host a Regional Center for Excellence in Fisheries. Therefore, I am using thisplatform to encourage young Liberian to enroll into the programs and take advantage of the career opportunities in this emerging economic sector.

Today, we are here, but tomorrow we will need the next generation to step up and continue from our gains. They need to start getting prepare Now!

Mr. President, in furtherance of our partnership to the Media, we are proposing the introduction of a Fisheries Reporter of the Year Award, as part of the PUL Annual Award program. NaFAA will work with the PUL to develop the technical details for this award and will provide support for the award.

Congratulations again, on your 58th Celebration! Today, this program, is streaming on FACEBOOK LIVE! The Future is Now! Take it and Run with it!


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