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National Association Of Trial Judges Begins 10th Conference This Thursday

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PHOTO: Judge Nancy Finda Sammy, President NATJL

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- The National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia (NATJL) will on Thursday, February 1, 2024 convene its 10th National Trial Judges Conference at the grounds of the Temple of Justice on Capitol Hill.

The conference will be held under the theme: “The Judiciary & Democracy; Safeguarding Democratic Values in the Legal System, Especiallly During and After Elections.

Judge Ousman F. Feika, Resident Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial Circuit, Grand Cape Mount County, and Chairperson of the Conference Planning Committee, said the conference is a little different from previous years because this year’s conference will be conducted with a seminar.

Judge Feika said three prominent justice actors will speak on the seminary. Former Chief Justice, Francis S. Korkpor, Sr., is expected to speak on the first day of the conference on the topic: “Ethical Dilemmas & Professional Conducts for Judges.”

On day two, Associate Justice Yussif D. Kaba will speak to the delegates on the topic:

“The Role of Judges in Protecting Civil Liberties.” And lastly, Cllr. Felecia Coleman will lecture on the subject: “Criminal Justice Reform and the Sentencing Guidelines.

The Conference Planning Committee Chair also stated that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh, will make special remark as head of the Judiciary Branch of Government.

He said, as a judge, one cannot do away with continued legal education, so the seminar is intended to provide legal education and enhance the knowledge of judges as they dispense justice.

“The longer you are as a judge, it is expected that you will learn new ideas and ways of handling cases,” he emphasized.

According to him, the conference will be climaxed with an election process that will see delegates elect new corps of officers- the president, vice president, 1st vice president, vice president for magistrate affairs, secretary general, financial secretary, treasurer, and chaplain.

The new officials will be expected to oversee the affairs of the institution for the next two years.


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