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NEC Trying To Ensure Political Parties Adhere To 30% Gender Parity Law

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PHOTO: A cross-section of participants from registered political parties at the NEC dialogue

As the date for the presidential and legislative elections draws nearer, the National Elections Commission (NEC) has stepped efforts aimed at obtaining the 30 percent minimum participation of females in leaderships of political parties and in slots for legislative seats of all registered parties.

In one of these efforts, NEC organized a two-day dialogue on the prevention and respond to electoral violence and violence against women in elections and politics for chairmen and secretary generals of all registered political parties in Monrovia.

Speaking at the ceremony marking the beginning of the dialogue, NEC Commissioner Oversight on Gender, Josephine Kou Gaye, encouraged all political parties to support women in obtaining the leadership and legislative slots in the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

According to her, since the 2015 elections, the percentage of a number of women continues to reduce in the leadership of political parties and legislative slots including the House of Representatives and the Liberian Senate.

The NEC Commissioner disclosed that the 30 percent minimum participation of females on the leadership of political parties does not necessarily mean that the percentage of women on the ticket for the legislative election and holding of position are restricted to that level.

She stressed the need for political parties to support women to be elected on the leadership and ticket of political parties especially on the legislative slots in the 2023 presidential and legislative elections

Commissioner Kou-Gaye expressed disappointment on low rate of females holding senior positions among the political parties on the leadership of political parties.

She said there is a need for political parties to support female to at least reach 70 percent of female participation so as women to emerge as chairpersons and legislative candidates in the 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

Also speaking, the Gender Specialist at the United Nations Development Program, Symphorosa Oundo assured the leaders of political parties and the National Elections Commission of the UNDP fullest cooperation on increasing female participation in political activities in the country.

According to her, when women are involved in leadership and legislative position, they focus on the benefits of women, children and the communities in the areas of health and education.

She explained that when it involves women in leadership, it is not that the world women to overcome men.

But it requires men and women in the processes, in politics and to make decisions in the society

The UNDP Gender Specialist expressed the hope that the lawmakers enact the 30 percent female requirement for the registration of political parties and for the president to sign it into law.

The dialogue, which was held under the theme: “Promoting Inclusive and Safe Environment for the Participation of Women in Elections and Politics,” was sponsored by the United Nations Development Program, the UN Women, the UN Peace Building Office, the Sweden Severige  and the Irish Aid. Report by Augustine Octavius

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