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New Research Study Finds: “Direct Link Between The Phubbing Behavior Of Women And Partner’s (Men) Relationship Satisfaction” In Liberia

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Paper Authored By University Of Liberia Communications Department Chair, Euriahs M. Togar 

The ubiquitous nature of the mobile phone and its usage appears to be having a toll on relationships, with a new research study saying that there is “a direct link was found between the phubbing behavior of women and partner’s (men) relationship satisfaction”.

Cambridge Dictionary defines phubbing as “the act of ignoring someone you are with and giving attention to your mobile phone instead…”

The study has been published in SAGE journal.

An Actor-Partner Model of Partner Phubbing, Mobile Phone Conflict, and Relationship Satisfaction Between Romantic Partners in Liberia


Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, this study investigates among Liberian couples whether partner phubbing predicts relationship satisfaction, both directly and indirectly via mobile phone conflict. Moreover, this study examines whether phubbing by men is less likely to lead to conflict than that by women given the differential power relations and income distributions in Liberian romantic couples. Using data from married, cohabiting, and couples living apart (N = 128) in Liberia, a direct link was found between the phubbing behavior of women and partner’s (men) relationship satisfaction. Moreover, men and women’s phubbing behavior predicted their own and their partner’s experience of mobile phone conflict, which in turn predicted a decrease in relationship satisfaction. Power imbalance between men and women, as well as income disparity, were found to influence some of the relationships between partner phubbing, phone conflict, and relationship satisfaction, but did not give substantial support to the hypotheses that women would elicit more conflict than men in couples characterized by high power imbalance and income inequality. Overall, the study shows the importance of examining interdependence effects in phubbing research and supports that there is meaningful cross-cultural variation that warrants further scrutinizing.An Actor-Partner Model of Partner Phubbing, Mobile Phone Conflict, and Relationship Satisfaction Between Romantic Partners in Liberia – Euriahs M. Togar, M. M. P. Vanden Abeele, Carel H. van Wijk, Raja Mehtab Yasin, Marjolijn L. Antheunis, 2023 (sagepub.com)





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