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No furniture, But Maryland County PMC says project 100% complete

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By Michael Wroh in Maryland County, Liberia

A local town in District #2, Maryland County is said to be at risk due to lack of healthcare, save drinking water, latrines amongst others.

Gborlobo Nemeken is a traditional town near the bank of the Cavalla River which borders Liberia and the Ivory Coast, the town is located 60 kilometers away from the County’s Capital, Harper and has over 500 residents.

Following recent cries made by residents of the town on February 20, 2018 to journalists about these situations, it was noticed that the town has been in these critical situations since its establishment.

Quoting a document from the resolution of the 2015 County sitting which called for the construction of a clinic, Mr. Michael Nyemah, a representative from the community at the project site told journalists that residents of the community were happy for a clinic to be built.

He said with happiness the community contributed to the fast operations of the construction by providing manpower that carry sand, crushed rocks and other local construction materials from nearby places to the project site.

Nyemah however expressed regrets over the county authority’s failure to complete the clinic at a time they prepared a document to the community that the clinic was completed.

“We were happy when the big people for Maryland County came here to tell us that a clinic was to be built for the community to reduce the suffering we, the residents, including our women and other people go through from sicknesses …,” Said Mr. Nyemah at the project site.

Mr. Nyemah noted, “Now, they tried and built the clinic but what happened is that, the clinic was turned over to the community by the big people without completion. When we asked them about other things that supposed to be in the clinic like furniture, drugs and other hospital supplies and materials, no good answer was given and from that time up to present we can’t see anyone coming here again.”

For his part, Jimmy Cooper – an elder age 69, called on the government to see reasons to complete the clinic as death rate increases in the absences of health care and other good standards of living. The 69 year old man narrated his situation when he was carried in a lapper at a time he suffered serious diarrhea which almost led to his death in May 2013.

A recent visit by reporters into the area on 21st February 2018 revealed that the constructed clinic is unfinished and findings proved that the entire building is demolishing as the results of living insects. Touring inside the building, some floor and ceiling are opened to insects, and doors of the clinic are being eaten by bugs (some muddy insects identified locally as “BORGOBOR)”.

Similar situation is taking place with the people of NYonken District #3, in Maryland County where US$20, 468.24 was spent to construct a clinic that is not in use due to failure on the part of the county authority to furnish and supply it. According to reports from the Projects Management Committee of Maryland County, the project is 100% completed with the amount mentioned.

Meanwhile, Mr. Isaac Golegeor – the treasurer for the current PMC, explained reasons behind the completion of some projects in the county. He quoted some resolutions that were passed in previous years providing for some projects; he pointed out that these projects were passed before the constitution of the present PMC team.

A document from the PMC has shown that US$4, 399.66 was spent to construct Nemeken Clinic, the document also shows that the project is 100% completed with the conditions expressed by residents of the community.

“We came on board in 2015 during the County sitting; some projects were already resoluted before we got in and those projects were put to a standstill because people who came for the sitting brought different agenda form their various communities. What we did as a team was to address those projects that were resoluted for implementation under the council of the sitting in 2015”, Mr.  Golegeor explained.

Speaking via phone on Friday, February 23, 2018, the Assistant Superintendent for Development, Mr. Nathaniel Toe, commented that the people are not concerned about the numerous progresses made under their leadership. He indicated that they are instead interested to do follow up on unfinished projects.

According to Mr. Toe, the Government of Liberia has not released funds for three consecutive budget years for Maryland County due to irregular County sittings. The Assistant Superintendent put the cost of CSDF that is yet to be released for these budget years at US$600.000.

“Today people are eager to follow what are the bad things that Madam Betsy Toe and Nathaniel Toe have done in Maryland County. Nobody cares about the thirty-three (33) projects that Betsy Toe and Nathaniel have completed in the County; but I will tell you on this phone that some projects are delayed over the past years because the County council has not convene in a County sittings for three years which have to put hold to Maryland County three years budget…,” he explained.

“…Tell me if this money is not available how do we carry on and complete those projects in questions?” Toe asked.










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