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OPINION: Rev. Krua Predicted The US Mess In 2016

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PHOTO: Rev. Torli Krua, head of the UHRI

In 2016, The Universal Human Rights International Launches Nationwide Civic Education on Citizens’ Initiatives For The Rebirth Of A New Nation Or A Repeat Of Corruption

In 2022, UHRI Launched Visa Waiver For All Liberians: Equal Opportunities For All Citizens To Prepare Themselves To Build A New Independent Authentic African Nation! https://FreeLiberia.org

Visa Waiver Petition (American Version) : https://chng.it/VJdDF7NP

First Things First: Change The Blueprint Of The Vehicle: The Broken & Corrupt System Before You Worry About The Captain Of The Sinking Ship. Liberia Needs A New Blueprint For A New Vehicle, Not A New Captain Of A Ship Designed To Sink!

To Craft The Blueprint, We Start With The Master, Not The Servant: Equal Opportunities For All Citizens! It’s The People, Not The Politician Who Must Determine The Blueprint!

Another election cycle-Election is not democracy! Same results! The Truth Never Changes! 6 years ago! Nothing has changed and nothing will change no matter who is elected until the corrupt system is replaced!



UHRI Declares A Holiday Honoring Ordinary Citizens-July 16, 2016 UHRI Calls For Citizens To Reject In Its Entirety The New Constitution UHRI Lunches Voters Database For Citizens Platform-Setting Salaries Of Public Servants UHRI Launches Nationwide Civic Education on Citizens Initiatives UHRI Denounces Huge Salaries Of Liberian Politicians (2000 times higher than some American lawmakers) As The Incentive For Ritualistic Killings and Underdevelopment  UHRI Calls On Liberian Citizens To Create A New System Of Governance Where Citizens, As Masters Of The Republic Of Liberia, Are Empowered To Set The Salaries & Benefits Of Government Officials In Order To End Ritualistic Killings And Begin Sustainable Development Focused on Security And Equal Opportunities For All Citizens.

UHRI believes that Ritualistic killings threaten the safety of citizens. As the 2017 elections approach, the barbaric practice of elections-inspired ritualistic killings is rising. What can the citizens do to end ritualistic killings in Liberia as we go toward the 2017 election? when do citizens bring ritualistic killings to an end? Next year? Ten Years from now? Another 168 years?

UHRI Declares A Holiday Honoring Ordinary Citizens-July 16, 2016

On July 16, 1847, ordinary citizens signed a declaration of independence citing the ills of the society they live in and aspiring for a better system- a republic, where citizens had supreme powers. On July 26, 1847, Liberia celebrated independence. Since then, Liberia began sliding downwards.

UHRI Calls For Citizens To Reject In Its Entirety The New Constitution

Liberia’s system is messed up not by chance but by design. It was messed up intentionally by the Liberian political elites who made the laws and designed the system for personal aggrandizement. The political elites have designed and maintained this flawed system for a very long time. They are so used to it, the politicians will never change the system because it works for them. For example in 1986, and in the name of the “Liberian People” the same Liberian political elites who are enjoying free cars, free gas, free drivers, and unjustifiably huge salaries today changed the old constitution and created a new constitution giving even more powers to Liberian politicians. The change included an unjustifiable nine (9) year, unlimited term of office for Liberian senators, and an increasing the term for president from 4 to six years. In 1986 the change made no sense to ordinary citizens. In 2016 the same Liberian political elites who wrote the 1986 constitution decided the 1986 constitutional change makes no sense. They set up a Constitution review commission, and paid themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars to create another “new constitution” in which they want to create a “Christian State” which clearly violate international law, create Dual Citizenship and reduce the term of office for senators from nine (9) year back to six (6) years and decrease the term for of the president from six(6) years back to four(4) years. What the political elites didn’t change and will never change is a design to put the master, the citizen in charge of setting their salaries and benefits.

For example, their constitutions of 1986 and 2014 give no powers to citizens as masters of the republic to set the salaries and benefits of their public servants, the political elites. So if the old constitution benefited the political elites and the same politicians were paid to design the new constitution and they have created a new constitution that leaves their salaries and benefits untouched, what is the benefit for citizens to endorse this new constitution which will be changed again with the next president? This new constitution is a poison pill. It makes no sense to vote for a good part and reject a bad part-it’s a poison pill the whole thing must be rejected in its entirety-Dual Citizenship-Christian Nation-reducing term without empowering citizens to set the salaries and benefits- must be rejected by citizens who desire a better country. For nearly 200 years, the Liberian political elites have set up their own salaries and benefits for messing up a broken system that enriches them and their children and friends.

Their actions resulted in an uprising on April 14, 1979, a bloody Military coup on April 12, 1980, a protracted bloody civil war launched on December 24, 1989, which produced many rebel groups in 14 years of conflict, killed 250,000 citizens, forced hundreds of thousands of citizens into exile as refugees. Who benefits? The same politicians who funded the war created the constitution, and have enriched themselves in the past 10 years are asking citizens to trust them again in designing another system that benefits them. It makes no sense at all. Kinds of Stuff that make no sense cannot be tolerated by sensible people. That is why citizens must reject the constitution in its entirety now by signing up. Don’t wait for the government. Just do it now!

UHRI Lunches Voters Database For Citizens Platform-Setting Salaries Of Public Servants

UHRI Launches Nationwide Civic Education on Citizens Initiatives

UHRI Denounces Huge Salaries Of Liberian Politicians (2000 times higher than some American lawmakers)

The basic annual salary for a Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom was increased from £67,060 to £74,000 on 31 July 2015. Keep in mind, the annual budget for the United Kingdom in 2016 is $760 billion pounds. The United Kingdom has a population of 65 million people. Even in the United States of America with a population of 324 million people and an annual budget of $3.8 trillion dollars, the annual salary of a US Senator is $174,000 yearly. Compare the salary of the richest nation on Earth to the salary of senators in the impoverished, post-Ebola, and post-conflict country of Liberia with a budget of only $550 million dollars. Liberian senators make $144,000.00 annually plus outrageous benefits including a bodyguard, driver, free car, and hundreds of gallons of gas. Additionally, in the state of New Hampshire, a State Senator makes $100 yearly, yes, less than $9 a month, no car, no bodyguard, etc.

The message is clear: Democracy is not what a great leader, an educated leader, a king or queen, or America or Europe or the United Nations do. Democracy is what the people-ordinary citizens do. It’s the people who decide, one citizen at a time- to feed their own children, to buy clothes for their children- to provide a sleeping place for their own children to educate their own children. If Liberian citizens are not depending on the UN, ECOWAS, UNMIL, America, Europe, or the Sirleaf government to feed their children, buy clothes, pay the tuition, and make these basic life decisions, why shouldn’t the Liberian citizens determine the salaries of their public servant?

If you truly believe the current system is broken and that the politicians who created the broken system will not voluntarily change it to end the financial benefits they get, then the citizens need to take immediate action to reclaim the republic. Citizens can choose their public servants. Citizens must also be empowered to set the salaries and benefits of public servants. When you build your shop or open a store or market, it’s the owner of the shop also sets the salaries and benefits of the people you employ to work in your shop. In Liberia and throughout Africa, with all the gold, diamonds, crude oil, iron ore, and rubber, the politicians have made themselves the masters. They don’t vote for themselves but once elected, they begin setting their own salaries and benefits. That is why although African countries are rich, the people live and die in poverty while their leaders live in luxury.

The corruption that is going on in Liberia is exactly how it used to be in England until the ordinary people forced the king to obey the laws-It was called the Magna Carta. What’s going on in Liberia today is exactly how it was in France until the ordinary people revolted against the ruling class. It was called the French revolution. What is happening in Liberia is exactly how it was in America until the ordinary citizens revolted against the system and created a new system. They called it the American Revolution. Liberia is not America, France, or England and the violence that ordinary citizens used to change France and America is wrong and not necessary today. We don’t even support street demonstrations like the failed Arab Spring because there is an easy, peaceful, legal, and democratic way to change the system. Those who like the corrupt system should go ahead and support it. We are calling on only the ordinary citizens who don’t believe the current corrupt system designed by politicians to enrich and empower politicians forever to end their support by simply writing their names, city, country, phone numbers, and voter registration. Persuade their friends and neighbors to also write their names down in support of three things:

  1. Annual holiday honoring citizens as masters and government officials as honorable public servants.
  1. Reserve and bank your vote not for a political party or a political candidate but only for yourself-for citizens initiatives that empower citizens to set the salaries and benefits of their public servants-set. Like-minded citizens must come together and you’ll find that you are the majority!
  1. Vote no and reject the constitution review commission and all its proposals you like as well as the proposals you dislike because the designers of this constitution are the same as the designers of the 1986 Constitution and their goal is to enrich politicians. It must be done right by the citizens.

When do you think the money that is supposed to provide quality education for all the children of Liberia is going to stop building mansions for politicians in Liberia or mortgages for the homes of politicians in America or stop paying for unnecessary gas slips, and outrageous salaries and benefits for politicians? Next year? Ten years from now? For nearly 200 years Liberians have had elections and elected educated politicians, and things have gotten worse. Look at Ghana, and South Africa, countries that were not independent when Liberia celebrated 100 years of independence-Liberia should have been number 1, we are the 5th poorest country in the world. Well as we keep doing the same thing-waiting for qualified politicians-we will keep getting the same results- We need a new system controlled by citizens now. Citizens’ Initiatives is the right system. Liberia does not need a new political party or a new politician or a new president. As long as we have a corrupt system, nothing will work. The new system begins with the citizens. That is why UHRI announcing a new public holiday, The Day For The Citizens or the Day For The Masters.

UHRI, in conclusion, is saying No to the entire flawed constitution review process and its proposals for a Christian nation, dual citizenship, and reduction of term without reduction of salary- First things first- UHRI says it needs a New System With Citizens As Masters-setting the salaries and benefits of politicians.

Rev. Torli H. Krua

What is your view on the proposals of UHRI?


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