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Opposition Senator Darius Dillon Angrily Walks Out Of OK FM Studio In Liberia

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PHOTO: Sen. Darius Dillon of Montserrado County

By Garmah Never Lomo,

Monrovia, Liberia- Opposition Senator Abraham Darius Dillon has made headline again in his latest action to angrily walk out of the studio of the local private-run OK FM station in the capital, sparking a storm of controversy.

Dillon sparked another controversy some time ago, when he lied about riding business class on SN Brussels international flight, which was earlier exposed in a report by the local daily, FrontpageAfrica. Because of the strength of the facts and evidence provided by the paper, Sen. Dillon was later forced to apologize to his supporters.

The self-proclaimed “light” in the Capitol Building, who is Montserrado County Senator on the Liberty Party’s ticket early this morning (Monday, September 26, 2022) arrogantly walked out of the OK FM studio, after he was told by radio talk show host not to use the word “nonsense” on air. But the Lawmaker kept using. With constant reminder by the host, he got annoyed and stormed out of the studio of the PUL 2021/2022 Best Radio Station of the Year on Lynch Street.

But what really is nonsense? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines nonsense this way: “Nonsense: [noun] words or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas. language, conduct, or an idea that is absurd or contrary to good sense. an instance of absurd …”

The host of the show, OK FM Morning Rush, Clarence Jackson, who is also the Station Manger had asked Sen. Dillon whether he heard what Montserrado County Superintendent Florence Brandy said that fellow Montserrado Senator Saah Joseph is the only Senator of the County repeatedly present during President Weah recent tour in Montserrado?

In response, Sen. Dillion said no he didn’t listen to that but referred to the statement made by Superintendent Brandy as “nonsense” repeatedly on the air. And that was when he was told not to continue using the word nonsense, because he was on a public radio, something that angered the opposition Senator causing him to walk out of the studio.

Sen. Dillon’s physical appearance this morning look angry, according to the talk show host, Jackson.

The Montserrado County senator was invited by OK FM to discuss a Bill seeking to amend Section 5.2 and 10.2 of the 2014 Code of conduct but the senator walked out after he was told not to use the word none sense.

After he walked out of the studio, several callers called and expressed dissatisfaction over his action which many referred to him as immoral and he doesn’t have leadership ability.

Some of the callers claimed that Sen. Dillion hates criticisms but he’s always criticizes the President and other CDC lawmakers. A few callers considered the opposition Lawmaker as demonstrating intolerance.

But other radio callers also held Mr. Jackson responsible for introducing such statement to senator Dillion, instead of the purpose he was invited for.

Another group of callers defended Sen. Dillon’s action to walk out of the radio studio Monday morning.

It can be recalled that Sen. Dillion similarly walked out of the OK FM studio in 2020 during the Special Senatorial election campaign for using similar word during a radio appearance.

It was in that election, that Dillon won the Senate seat for the first time.


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