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OBITUARY: At Age 99, Liberia Loses Ma Corva-Grandma

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PHOTO: Late Madam Bagels Corva Barbu

The Barbu, Kulee and Harper families and the people of Zaiwordamai and Vezala Towns, Voinjama District in Thanksgiving to God announce the death of Ma Vahgwalah Corvah Barbu in her 99th year.

She died on Saturday, August 21, 2021 at about 7:15 a.m. at her New Totota residence in Bong County. Affectionately called MA CORVAH or GRANDMA, Ma Vahgwalah Corvah leaves to celebrate her life several children, grand children, great-grandchildren, and great great-grandchildren, several younger sisters and brothers., and a host of relatives.

Her remains will be removed from the St. Moses Funeral Home on Friday, September 17, 2021 at 10:a.m.

After the funeral service, the late Ma Corva will be taken to the Barbu’s Farm along the Sanoyea road, Bong County. Internment is on Saturday September 18, 2021. Dr./ Cllr. Jallah A. Barbu, Ms. Cabbeh Z. Barbu, Mr. Jallah Barbu Jr, Mr. Kollie Harper, Mr. Moses H. Barbu,Atty. Stephen J. C. S. Kai and Cllr. George B. Kailondo, sons, grandchildren and brother of the deceased brought in this announcement for and on behalf of the family.

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