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PAYOWI Conducts Educational Stakeholders Workshop In Montserrado & Bong Counties

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The Paramount Young Women Initiative (PAYOWI) headed by its program officer Hawa C. Wilson through the SPAII project has conducted an educational stakeholders workshop in two of the project counties namely Montserrado and Bong.

The workshop, which was held from August 6-8,2024, in each of the two counties.

Madam Wilson added that the one day even in each of the two counties named above brought together forty-five education stakeholders fifteen per county including school administrators, teachers, PTAs, community dwellers aim at improving citizens’ involvement in advocating for budget increment in the education sector.

During the raining session in each of the project affected county, various topics were presented by well experienced and knowledgeable presenters.

She said, Discussion under the activity highlighted stakeholders’ engagement at all levels including government officials, policymakers, educators, parents and civil society organizations.

The objectives of the one-day workshop are to mobilize public support through awareness campaigns, social media and community outreach and to advocate for policy reforms that prioritize education funding and ensure transparency and accountability in budget allocations and spending.

Additionally, PAYOWI under the SPAII project also conducted a one day long working session in Gbarnga, Bong County on August 8,2024 with influential stakeholders including administrators and teachers within the two counties named above in effective accountability in tracking budget and school infrastructure and supplies using and promoting rights in schools.

The lead program officer of PAYOWI Hawa C. Wilson during the one-day interactive working session said, the aims of the training is to enhance transparency and accountability among stakeholders in Montserrado and Bong Counties.

This working interactive session brought together thirty education actors with fifteen participants from per county including school administrators, teachers, PTAs, Community dwellers aim at improving citizen’s involvement in tracking the budget cycle and school supplies.

According to Madam Wilson, the interactive working session highlighted the basis of budget tracking and stakeholder’s accountability as a main conduit to tracking budget and promoting equity and equality in schools.

At the end of the workshop, participants recommended several strategies and key amongst them are increase the already existing knowledge on budget management and budget tracking, promote transparency and accountability within the education sector, increase the already knowledge on budget advocacy, increase the number of people advocating for budget increasement toward education and to promote conducive learning environments for all among others.

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