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Police Brutality Again: LNP Officer Dismissed And Sent To Court For Alleged Attempted Murder

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PHOTO: Policeman Jerome S. Tokpah sacked for police brutality

An officer ot the Liberia National Police (LNP) has been forwarded to court, after he was dismissed for alleged Police Brutality, the spokesperson of the LNP said over the weekend.

This is one of several of such incidents involving police officers in recent times.

Earlier this month, the Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice headed by Megistrate Ben Barco on Tuesday May 21 2024 sent to prison defendant Jerome Tokpah of the Liberia National Police to the Monrovia Central Perison for allegedly attempting to murder a woman. Police Officer Sent To Jail For Allegedly Attempting To Murder A Woman – News Public Trust

LNP press release said that the Administration of the Liberia National Police has with immediate effect dismissed Patrolman Jerome S. Togba for alleged Police brutality, an action which violates the Administrative Instructions on Discipline and Professional Standard, Section 6.1.1 Captioned:

Criminal Misconduct, Section 6.1.3 Captioned Abuse of Power and Authority and Section 6.1.14 Captioned: Assault. Accordingly, on May 11, 2024, suspect, Jerome S. Tokpah got into a fight with his neighbor identified as Eric Tarr at which time suspect Jerome Tokpah allegedly wounded Courage Tarr, daughter of Eric Tarr on her forehead with a machete; commonly known as Whipper in Liberia.

During the Police preliminary investigation, it was revealed that suspect Jerome S. Tokpah and the victim’s father Eric Tarr, had a land issue for more than a year. Meanwhile, suspect Jerome S. Tokpah has been charged with Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder and Aggravated Assault in contravention of Chapter 10 Section 10.1, Chapter 14; Section 14.20 of the revised penal code of the Republic of Liberia and forwarded to Court for prosecution.


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