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Police Send AME University Examiner To Court For Alleged Rape In Campus Office

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PHOTO: Defendant Tony Fasasi in his office before the incident was reported

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- It started with a complaint by a young prospective female that she was allegedly raped in an office on the African Methodist Episcopal University (AMEU) campus in the heart of the Liberian capital and now Police have investigated and charged a staff of the university and sent him to court.

Tony Fasasi, age 38, an examiner and acting director for entrance is said to have made his office a ground for sexual activities, allegedly abusing the prospective female student.

Defendant Fasasi (face covered) on the ground of the court on Monday

Today, Monday, March 21,2022, he was sent to the Monrovia City Court on rape charge and later incarcerated at the Monrovia Central prison awaiting court trial.

Defendant Fasasa was charged with violating Chapter 14 subchapter D section 14.70 (a)(I) of the New rape law of Liberia.

Police investigation revealed that Mr. Fasasi admitted that he had sex with the victim survivor on March 8,2022 between 5:30-6:00Pm before his desk in his office but deny of forcing her.

When the incident was first reported, the administration of the AMEU told the local OK FM radio that it had left the matter with the police to handle and that there had been no internal investigation, as the victim went directly to the Liberia National Police.

Based upon the complaint, coupled with the survivor statement, an investigation was conducted and the following were established:

That survivor is 18 years old and she sat for the AME University entrance exam on March 8, 2022.

Defendant Tony Fasasi is the acting director for examiner at the AME University and he was the one that administered entrance to the survivor on March 8,2022. It is said that the defendant did not know survivor prior to the date of the entrance exam, March 8,2022.

That the survivor and the defendant interacted with each other on the date of the abuse.

It was established that, survivor and her new friend Sharon were the last candidates to leave the entrance ground of AME university on March 8,2022 and 1900hrs.’

It was also established that the survivor was never approached by the defendant for love on March 8,2022 and it was established that force was used by the defendant to have sex with the victim.

Medical report of the victim obtained from the Du-road (one stop center ) dated on March 9,2022 indicates:

“Hymen: healed laceration at 6 and 9 clock; vulva: erythema redness seen on both side on both side of Labia Manorial;

Anus: abrasion seen on perineal body;

Vagina: brownish discharged seen in vagina orifice.”

Police charge sheet details

According to police charge sheet, on March 9,2022, a man identified as Patrick reported at the women and children protection section at the central Police headquarters and alleged that his 18-year-old daughter victim was sexually abused (raped) by defendant Tony Fasasi on March 8,2022, office at the AME university main campus when she went to sit for the AME university entrance.

The father of the student averred that on March 4, 2022, he registered daughter his daughter for the AME university entrance and she was scheduled to sit for the entrance on March 8,2022 at 1500hrs.

The survivor father’s narrated that on Tuesday, March 8,2022, his daughter went on campus to take her entrance at the evening hour, his daughter mother called him and told him that something happened to her daughter and he should call her and ask her.

In furtherance, the survivor’s father revealed that after his conversation with the survivor mother, he called his mother who the survivor is staying with to ask her what happened to her, and when his mother asked the survivor in the presence of her grandfather, she explained her ordeal how she was sexually abused by suspect Tony Fasasi.

During police interview with the survivor, she is said to have narrated that on March 8,2022, at 1500hrs she and a girl identified as Sharon met at AME University campus to take their entrance and after the test they waited for result but two of them names did not come up. So, they went to the acting director for entrance defendant Tony Fasasi who informed them that they failed, because they did not complete one question on each subjects so they pleaded with him and he gave them thirty minutes to complete the question.

The survivor further added that after the thirty minutes, defendant Tony Fasasi called them his office and said that her friend passed but she failed again and after he told them the result, they were about to leave his office, he told her to wait that he wants to tell her something so she waited and her friend got out of his office.

According to the survivor, when she left in his office, he told her that he wanted she and him to have a bond and she told him that she didn’t understand what he meant and he told her that he meant to have sex and she told him no.

She concluded that while she was trying to get out of his office, he locked his office door, over power her, took out both of them clothes, took and sexually abused her by inserting his penis inside her vagina when he finished, he opened the door, she came out and went home.

And after the young woman got home, she called her mother on her phone and informed her about what the examiner defendant Fasasi did to her. Later, her grandparents asked her and she explained her ordeal to them.

Further information gathered is that this alleged rape incident in the examiner officer is not the first of its kind.

Some years back, another examiner only identified as Cyrus, allegedly raped a 16- year-old girl. But that rape case was reportedly compromised both the university and the survivor’s parents. That individual was later dismissed from the school.


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