Liberia SocietyLiberian News

Pres. Boakai Orders Closure Of Western Cluster Company

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SOURCE: State Radio, ELBC

BOMI COUNTY, LIBERIA-President Joseph Boakai has ordered the closure of Western Cluster Limited, in Bomi County.

President Boakai made the remarks during the inspection of road rehabilitation in Suehn Mecca, Bomi County, on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

The Liberian Leader believes that the Company is causing more harm to the lives of citizens than good.

He said:” Western Cluster continues to profit from the Country’s natural resources with little benefit to the citizens. Liberians deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, which Western Cluster Limited has failed to provide.”

President Boakai also added that the Company’s operations have deplorable road conditions.

Meanwhile, President Boakai is craving for the holistic support of all Liberians in achieving the agenda of the Government and wants citizens to envisage a new Liberia and feel obligated to take ownership in the development of the Country.

Sites visited during the recent tour include the ongoing cleaning of the sewage system in Central Monrovia and the rigorous rehabilitation of roads between Brewerville in Montserrado County to Suehn Mecca in Bomi County.

President Joseph Boakai then lauded the Public Works Ministry for ensuring that major roads and corridors are pliable during rainy and dry seasons.

By: Vasta Tarlue

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