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Pres. Weah warns Gov’t officials of consequences they’ll face by not paying taxes

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Monrovia, Liberia-President George Manneh Weah has issued a stern warning to officials of his government not to default in paying their taxes, which he says is their obligation.

An Executive Mansion press release says President Weah has called on members of his cabinet and other officials of government to honor their tax obligations, in order to financially equip Government execute its mandate consistent with the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development.

“All over the world,” the Liberian president said, “tax payment is a legally binding obligation for all, both in private and public life. Delinquent or deviant elements do go to jail for failure to pay their taxes.”

“All over the world,” the Liberian president said, “tax payment is a legally binding obligation for all, both in private and public life. Delinquent or deviant elements do go to jail for failure to pay their taxes,” the Liberian leader said on Monday when he toured ongoing government-funded road project in Montserrado County.

The President reminded government officials about their tax commitments and how this is significant to transforming the nation and the lives of the people of Liberia.

He said he was convinced that government can do more when citizens pay their taxes, and when officials of government lead by example by meeting their tax obligations.

President Weah warned officials of government to always be on the side of the law by paying their taxes regularly or he would be compelled to take the appropriate action.

He said another reasonable way to ensure tax compliance of his officials and government workers is to effectuate the deduction of taxes owed from the salaries of delinquent individuals.

“While the government is reaching out to multilateral and bilateral partners for support,” President Weah told a sizable crowd that accompanied him on the road inspection tour, “we as citizens and particularly officials of government contribute to the domestic revenue envelop by paying our taxes. That’s the only way we can fund these community projects.”

President Weah and his administration have initiated dozens of community projects, principally the construction of paved roads, which are largely funded from government’s meager domestic revenues.

According to the Liberian leader, officials of government must lead by example by paying their taxes. This, he said, will encourage ordinary citizens to also honor their tax obligations.

He however urged Liberians not to relent in paying their taxes without which he said the government cannot carry on development.


President Weah expressed appreciation with the progress contractors are making to meet deadline for the completion of the projects.

The President particularly acknowledged the significance of the Doe Community and Clara Town road to the residents, describing it as milestone achievements.

“I am glad that these two communities are being connected today with a paved road,” the President said, adding: “The residents of these two slum communities will no more walk through the mud and swamp again as we were used to doing several years ago.”

Monday’s daylong tour which is a continuation of his vigorous road inspection promise took the President to the Chucky, Pipeline-Johnsonville project, Patience Shop-Bardnersville road, Doe Community-Clara Town and the Sawmill Community road projects. He also inspected New Kru Town Coastal Defense project.



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