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PUL Opens Book Of Condolence Thursday For Fallen Journalist Fidel Saydee

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PHOTO: Late Journalist Fidel Saydee

Monrovia, Liberia (September 17, 2024)–The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) will this Thursday, September 19, open a book of condolence for fallen Journalist Fidel Saydee, Station Manager of the Atlantic Broadcasting Corporation (ABC Radio) who died on September 9, 2024.

A press release from the PUL Interim Committee issued this evening says ahead of the funeral on Saturday, September 21, the book of condolence will be opened in collaboration with his family and ABC Radio at 11:00Am at the PUL headquarters on Clay Street in central Monrovia.

The media community, relatives, friends, fans of the fallen journalist are invited to this solemn ceremony in his memory.

Following the signing of the book of condolence on Thursday, there will be a Quiet Hour at the St. Moses Funeral Parlour on the Japan Freeway from 5-6 Pm. According to the family, an all-night wake will be held at his father’s residence on Brisbane Road in Brewerville, starting at 8:30 PM.

On Friday, September 20, at 8:30 Am, the remains of the late Journalist Fidel Saydee will be removed from the St. Moses Funeral Parlour and taken to the Trinity United Methodist Church in New Kru Town for the official funeral service, beginning at 10am to be followed by interment.

The PUL is deeply saddened by the untimely death of Fidel, a young and vibrant Liberian Journalists. His death has dealt a big blow to the media and the broadcasting community in the country.

May Fidel’s soul rest and abide in perfect peace!

PUL Interim Committee




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