
Rights of detained June 7 supporters “being violated”- Lawyer raises concern

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As family members question justice system

By Garmah Never Lomo,garmahlomo@gmail.com

Family members of those who were arrested, charged and forwarded to court over the weekend have questioned the country’s justice system, regarding the respect for the rights of their family members at the Monrovia central prison.

In an interview with Cllr. Findley Karngar on Monday at the Temple of Justice, he alleged that some 21 persons who were believed to be protesters, including students from the University of Liberia, Representative Yekeh Kolubah’s body guards.

The Liberian lawyer said they have been denied water to drink, food and even visitation by family members.

Cllr. Karngar said the women who were also arrested are severely sick and medical attention has been given to them and they have also been treated like slave at the prison center.

Lawyers representing the legal interest of the defendants they as lawyers were even denied from seeing their client and alleged that their clients were never arraigned before court to plead guilty or not.

But rather they said they were taken from the Police headquarters to the Monrovia central prison which is a gross human right violation and totally against the constitution.

Articles 21 a and b of the Liberian constitution makes it a violation of an individual’s rights for anyone to be arrested and detained beyond 48 hours without charge or trial.

“Every person arrested or detained shall be formally charged and presented before a court of competent jurisdiction within forty-eight hours. Should the court determine the existence of a prima facie case against the accused, it shall issue a formal writ of arrest setting out the charge or charges and shall provide for a speedy trial. There shall be no preventive detention.
c. The right to the writ of habeas corpus, being essential to the protection of human rights, shall be guaranteed at all times, and any person arrested or detained and not presented to court within the period specified may in consequence exercise this right.”

Cllr. Karngar added that if the justice system remains to be this, it is a reminder of taking them back those days, where people never have the opportunity to express their views on issues of interest.

Police or prison authorities have so far not reacted to the claims.

The Liberian lawyer described the action as mess and want the defendants to be arraigned before and follow the due process of law and they were wrongfully charged for political reasons.

Narrating further, Cllr. Karngar stressed that all efforts have been made to secure bond for defendants from insurance companies but the insurance companies have intimidated by elements of government.

However, he said all insurance companies they visited nearly signed the bond but only to receive phone call that they should discontinue the process.

Those arrested, detained and now charged are Abu Keita, Yekeh Kolubah’s bodyguard, Representative Yekeh Kolubah, Johnson Kpor, Oliver C. Konneh, Mahammed A. Kaba, Varmu Kolubah and Mohammed S. Kaba and charged Aggravated assualt and felonious restraint.

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