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Safe Homes For Liberian Rape, Domestic Violence Victims In Desperate Need Of Help

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PHOTO: Stakeholders pose for picture after the report was presented

By Augustine Octavius,

Latest findings from a research survey show that safe homes in Montserrado and Sinoe Counties are not capacitated to cater for survivors or victims of rape and other forms of domestic violence.

According to social workers, safe homes are set up to transform victims of rape and domestic violence into survivors by providing a conducive environment for their rehabilitation and transformation.

But a survey conducted by the Women Empowerment for Self-Employment (WESELF) has revealed the observations and snapshot on the monitoring and supervision of the operation safe homes for victims of rape, abandoned children and domestic violence by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection.

The survey, funded by the European Union and Irish Aid through Mercy Corp Liberia, has revealed that safe homes in Sinoe County has been abandoned completely.

The key findings were made known in the research briefing paper entitled: “Project Overview, Key Findings and Recommendations,” released by the WE4SELF at a one-day stakeholders’ meeting on safe homes assessment study in Monrovia recently.

On the training capacity building initiatives of safe homes, it was discovered that only 25 percent of service providers are provided regular training and capacity building on livelihood

The findings also portrayed that 25 percent provide literacy and numeracy training while only 50 percent provide no form of training.

“From the study,” the research briefing paper went on, “it was established that only 50 percent of the safe homes received humanitarian aid in the past while another 50 percent have never benefitted from any humanitarian assistance.”

On the supply of electricity, it was established that there is a lack of supply of electricity by the Liberia Electricity Corporation to the safe homes in Montserrado and Sinoe Counties but only have standby generators.

As for the basic needs for survivors, it was established that 100 percent of the safe homes in Montserrado and Sinoe Counties are in need of mosquito nets, monthly supply of sanitary pads, clothing and feet wear, food and save drinking water.

The research paper also revealed that safe homes are all privately owned and there 53 survivors at the safe homes at the time of the assessment as females were 43 and male were ten.

According to the findings, data on primary healthcare at safe homes indicated that only 25 percent of the safe homes have an employed nurse and arrangement in place with nearby health facility for emergencies while three do not have any in place.

During the assessment, the research paper said, there were three main cases that were being handled across the safe homes totaling 38 with rape constituting 60.5 %, abandoned children, 38.8 % and domestic violence 2.6 %.

Meanwhile, the research paper has advanced a five-count recommendation in order to improve the services at the safe homes in the counties.

The paper proposed that there is a need to coordinate planning and logistical arrangement with the ministries and focal points of the targeted safe homes in the future as this will help with contacting the available relevant stakeholders and will also improve participation.

According to the paper, there is a need to ensure that all safe homes are adequately informed about the data collection activities in advance.

The document recommended that there is a need to make additional efforts to reach out to local authorities before the policy dialogue on the key findings from the assessment study

It was also proposed that the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection should train and empower safe homes staff with the necessary materials to carry out the awareness and sensitization on sexual and gender-based violence.


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