
Sen. Dan Morias: “I’m not Caucus Co-Chair,” as Maryland Caucus rift deepens

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By Charles Gbayor, charlesmenlor@gmail.com

Harper, Liberia– Maryland County Senator, H. Dan Morias has  rejected his appointment by the  Maryland County Legislative  Caucus Chairperson  Representative Isaac Roland Blalu of Karluway District as Co-Chair of the Caucus.

In rejecting the post, Sen.  Morias said:  “I am not Co Chair to anyone neither I’m   to the   Maryland County Legislative Caucus.”

This comes amidst apparent rift in the ranks of the Causes and disenchantment among citizens in Maryland County over the protracted failure of the county officials to hold County Sitting. It also comes as some citizens plan to hold a protest to register their dissatisfaction with the way things are going in this southeastern county.

Sen.  Morias, who Chairs the Liberian Senate Statutory Committee on Foreign Affairs, was appointed as the Co-Chair   of the Maryland County Legislative Caucus  recently.

The Maryland County Senior Senator vehemently rejected the caucus co-chair position given him by three members of the Caucus, citing reasons that he was in the county when three members of the caucus conducted their election.

He told journalists in exclusive interview on the local Cape Rock Radio that his appointment as Co-chair to the current chair Representative Isaac Roland Blalu is a compete disrespect to his personality as such he remains floor member of the caucus of the county.

“I have been member of the Maryland Legislative Caucus since I was elected and I remain floor member to work in the interest of his people,” he lamented.

Senator Morais, who described his position as denigrating, said the decision taken the three lawmakers of the county was unconstitutional in that the caucus of the county constitutes representatives and senators.

“So everything that is being done or should be done include both houses, we are not asking for supremacy though are they unit,” he said.

Sen. Morias’ statements came weeks after three Representatives of the Maryland County Legislative Caucus had an Election and Elected new officials to stare the affair of the Caucus in absence of the County two Senators and Caucus Chairman J.Gbleh-bo Brown and   H.Dan Morias .

 This paper gathers   that both Senators   H. Dan  Morias  and formal Chairperson  of the Caucus J Gbleh –bo Brown  were on Easter Break  in the County  , when the Election was conducted .

Speaker further Sen. Morias said few years ago ,again three Representatives of the Caucus announced that removal of  me  Senator  H. Dan Morias as Caucus Chair,a as a result of the ensuring leadership squabble between Representative Bhofal Chambers  now Speaker of the National 54TH Legislature and I was removed off that post.

In May of this year, three members of the Maryland Legislative Caucus including Representative Bhofal Chambers Pleebo Sodoken District2#, Representative P. Mark Jurry of Harper District# 1 and Representative Isaac Roland Blalu of Karluway District#3 went to election and elected Representative Isaac Roland Blalu as chair for the caucus.

Responding to Senator J. Gbleh-bo Brown recent communication that the county is at verge of losing 1.4 m United States Dollars, Senator Morais disagreed that Maryland County will not said amount as his colleague opinion.

He also said since this government came to power or the sitting of the government, no county has received more than hundred-thousand United States Dollars ($USD 100,000.00) but the county might has been fortunate to receive such amount but has refused.

Sen. Morias told www.newspublictrust.com recently that no county has received money for county sitting but that does not serve as an excuse that no county sitting should held and that money given to counties can’t be considered lose money.

“That money we can say it can go into local, we consider domestic debt but Maryland County will not lose 1.4m dollars, it can take in trying to it back but Maryland County will not, I vehemently disagree with that” he argued.

The Maryland County lawmaker said he will join his colleagues to engage and request the central government if she has money so that the county can get her share of what he considers as national cake to be used for development purposes in Maryland County.

He said the government of Liberia will make money available to the people of Maryland County when they want but vowed to take to court so ever stopped the county from receiving said amount to make sure that the people get their just benefit.

 But It can be recalled in a communication dated May 14, 2019 Unification Day, Senator J. Gbleh-bo Brown mentioned that Maryland County is at the verge of losing 1.4m United States Dollars due to the power struggle that continues to divide caucus of the county.

The junior senator of the county frustration came weeks after he was removed from his position as chair for the caucus by three lawmakers of the Maryland County while he and Senator Morias were in the county performing their oversight responsibilities.

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