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Sirleaf urges citizens to support Weah’s gov’t, but “hold it accountable”

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-Delivers farewell message

In her farewell message to citizens on Wednesday, Liberia’s outgoing  President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf called on them to support the incoming government of President-elect George Manneh Weah but hold it accountable.

“My parting wish is that you will support your new government. Respond to its call for action, and civility; And hold it accountable,” Africa’s first elected female President said.

She called for national unity and expressed the hope that Liberians will cherish their democracy, participat in it, respect and support its institutions, work together to address the challenges and take pride in our their success.

“We had a contentious, highly-charged political year. I know that. But now, we must be put the disunity behind us; Liberiahas but one president, and one government. We must dedicate ourselves to ensuring its success,” the 78-year-old Liberian leader admonished her citzens less than five days before handing power to the international football icon-turned politician.

Sirleaf then prayed for the president-elect, vice-president elect and all elected leaders in the incoming Coalition for Democratic Change, CDC-led government.

She recounted the achievements has administration has made since coming to power 12 years ago, having inherited a nation that was reeling from over 14 years of brutal civil war.

“Twelve years ago, on the 26th of January, 2006, I had the privilege to address you, the people of Liberia, for the first time as your president. We were a nation exhaustedfrom three decades of conflict. We were starting from zero, with the complete destruction of our national infastructure, a collasped economy, and a State incapable of providing services to its people. Our collective faith and resolve wereput to the test, as they have been many times over in our 170 years of independence,” the outgoing President noted.

Recalling the enormous burden that her government had and the painful past, which they carried together, were no match for her dear friends.

“Never did you loose hope in yourselves, pride in our nation, or the determination to persevere. It was your energy that lifted her up each day; Motivated her; Gave her the drive to exhaust all possibilities for the benefit of our beloved Liberia; As I speak my last words to you as president, they are simply to say— Thank You for the honor to serve,” President Sirleaf said.

“Back in 2006, many doubted us –nor certain if Liberia’s democratic resurgence would last.That ournewfound peace would hold. And yet,look aroud you; Two peaceful and credible successive national elections, and now, an historic transfer of power from one elected leader to another. Our democracy is irrevocable; It binds every future leader of this country to the will of the people.” She went on: “Liberia today reflects the changing face of the Continent, where rule of law, human rights, good governance, and accountability are demanded by its citizens. This is Africa’s future. And Liberia is one of its enviable democracies.”

President Sirleaf asserted: “The world has changed a great over the past decade.  Across the globe, governments and nations are turning inward, in search of resolutions to their domestic challenges; For a country like Liberia, this means that we need to be more self-reliant.  Each of us has to take on more responsibility for the development of our country.”

She praised the international community for their support and assistance that has enabled Liberia to reach thus far.

According to her, she was leaving the presidency in awe of the generosity of international partners, donors and NGOs in a world with so many great needs, they chose Liberia.

Sirleaf said they have learned and innovated together, and these gains will go on to benefit our next generation.

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