Liberian NewsSports

SPORTS: SWAL Ends Sports Journalists Training In Kakata

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By Jerome C. Willie, Jr.

MARGIBI, Liberia-The Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL) over the weekend completed a day-long training for Sports Journalists in Margibi County.

Held in Kakata at the Agape High School, the training was organized by SWAL’s Lower and Upper Margibi Coordinators, William Decent Toe and Jerome C Willie with support from the leadership.

About 20 sports Journalists participated in the workshop with two coming from Bong County.

SWAL’s President, Kolubah B.K Zayzay thanked the two coordinators (Decent Toe and Willie) for the organization and urged local sports writers to make maximum use of the training.

President Zayzay described sports writing as a critical component of journalism, hence encouraging the participants to take sports writing seriously.

“Sports journalism is very critical in the field of Journalism. It is analytical and comes with passion, that’s why you see journalists with sports writing background easily make it at the top,” he said.

The SWAL President reiterated the organization’s plan to conduct more training across country. He recounted previous training for sports Journalists from Rivercess and Grand Bassa Counties.

In separate remarks female Sports Writer Ophelia Bondo and male Sports Writer, Ackollie Elijah Nanakpallah spoke on behalf of the participants and praised SWAL for training.

Ms. Bondo and Mr. Nanakpallah said the seminar was the first of its kind for sports journalists in the county, noting it will go a long way helping to sharpen their skills.

The training was facilitated by SWAL President, Kolubah B.K Zayzay, experience football commentator and LFA Deputy Communication Manager, Benjamin Garkpah and former footballer Sam Pontia Jadoe who is now a reporter and Livestreamer at Truth Fm.

Mr. Zayzay lectured on Sports writing and Garkpah facilitated on commentary, while Jadoe taught photo journalism.

The workshop was attended by Varmah Kamara Vice President and Edwin Dolo Assistant Secretary General of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia.

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