Liberia SocietyLiberian News

“The Day Of Reckoning Is Here”—Liberian Pressure Group Hails Anti-Corruption Fight

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Monrovia, Liberia–The People to People Campaign for Peace and Democracy in Liberia wants to applaud the General Auditing Commission (GAC) and the Liberian Anti-: Corruption Commission (LACC), as well as the Ministry of Justice, for taking the bold step of bringing Former Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah et al, to justice for allegedly siphoning the Liberian people’s money.

In a press release on Wednesday, the group says this is reflected in the (GAC) auditing of their stewardship. The culture of impunity must come to an end in Liberia.

In this vain, the Campaign group promoting peace and democracy is calling on the Senate President Pro Tempore, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, and all Senators of the 55th Legislature, to refund the Liberian people’s money that was misused at their so-called retreat in Grand Bassa County a few months ago.

“Moreover, let this serve as a warning to all former public officials and current public officials that when you are audited and we see smoke, you will face the full weight of the law. Hence, the campaign is hoping that those accused will be given a fair and impartial hearing before a jury of their peers.”

Finally, the campaign group headed by its Director, Debora Walleh-Kofa wants to assure the Liberian people that peace and Democracy will continue to prevail and their suffering will come to an end soon.

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