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UP Boakai Brands Weah And CDC As “Big Crooks”

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Ahead Of Nov. 14 Presidential Runoff Election, Urges Liberians To Join Him “Rescue” Liberia 

PHOTO: Presidential candidate Joseph Boakai, Senators Nyonblee Kanrga Lawrence & Jonathan Kaipay, Edward Appleton, Lusinee F. Kamara, MacDella Cooper and others seated on the stage

By King Brown,

BUCHANAN, Liberia- Ahead of next Tuesday’s crucial presidential runoff election, the leader of the main opposition Unity Party (UP), Joseph Boakai has described the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change government of incumbent President George Weah as “crooks” and wants Liberians to massively vote them out of power.

Speaking at a campaign rally in the southern port city of Buchanan recently, former Vice President Boakai democratically voting the CDC out of office will save the country, claiming that they are looting public offices and stealing public money just to satisfy their pockets and live lavish lifestyles.

But few days ago, a report released by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) give Liberia a passing mark on its scorecard for control of corruption.

Mr. Boakai said his tour to Grand Bassa County was intended to appreciate the people of Bassa for the 36 per cent votes he obtained in the just-ended October 10, 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

Nationally, neither he nor President Weah was able to get the constitutionally required 50% plus one vote to win outright, thus causing the National Elections Commission (NEC) to declare a second round of balloting on November 14, 2023.

Around 2.4 million people were eligible to vote in the West African nation still struggling to emerge from two civil wars that killed over 250,000 people between 1989 and 2003 and from the Ebola epidemic that killed thousands. .

Speaking on Thursday at his campaign rally on the Fairground in Buchanan, he said the international Community is looking for ways to work with Liberia but are not comfortable with the ruling CDC government that is accused of rampant corruption and failure to address some of the lapses in the country.

The Unity Party Political Leader is urging citizens to judge themselves whether President George Weah government ever improved their living conditions within the six years when they gave him power to direct the future of the county and its citizens.  He said during the 2017 legislative and presidential elections, Coalition for Democratic Change, CDC, promised to bring about much needed change to improve the livelihood of the Liberian people but it’s on the opposite.

The Head of the UP “Rescue Mission” said President Weah and his officials; especially some members of his inner circle, continue to come under staunch criticism for amassing questionable wealth since their ascendency to power, although they have continuously said they are not guilty.


The UP presidential candidate emphasized that the present living condition under the ruling CDC party is not a conducive way of life for Liberians.

He stated this government does not care to address issues affecting the common people ranging from healthcare delivery services, Education, Jobs opportunity, food production and among others, alleging that all Weah government know best is to steal money and duped the Liberian People.

The former Vice President is encouraging Liberians to go out on November 14, and vote number one on the ballot for jobs, good schools, better hospitals with frequent medical supplies, roads connectivity among others so that the country can start booming again.

“I love this country and want to be all over Liberia, so go to the polls on November 14, and kick these crooks out of power for me to rebuild this country for the betterment of Liberians,” Mr. Boakai added.

The Unity Party Standard Bearer stated the country is far behind because people residing in the villages for 176 years are still living in complete darkness, while some parts of Grand Bassa County lack schools for kids, least to mention about better healthcare facilities.

“This is not about the presidency but is about a life to rescue this country and its people. Citizens owed it to themselves to make their decision to make their lives better. I want you to change this government for me to bring good will to Liberia; we can produce food here and feed other West African countries coupled with other developments,” said Mr. Boakai.

ALCOP and GDM leaders join Boakai’s campaign trail

Also speaking, the presidential candidate of the All Liberian Coalition Party (ALCOP), Lusinee F. Kamara, who recently endorsed the Unity Party, urged citizens to go in communities and vigorously campaigned for Ambassador Joseph Boakai, noting that November 14 is very important to the Rescue mission.

Mr. Kamara is hopeful that Mr. Boakai will be announced by the National Elections Commission as the next president of Liberia, replacing President George Weah.

For his part, the presidential candidate of Grassroot Development Movement (GDM) party Edward Appleton told the people of Grand Bassa that he and his supporters have endorsed Amb. Joseph Boakai and Jeramiah Koung are the next president and vice president of Liberia.

He urged citizens to choose a leader who would work for them and not to enrich themselves.

Mr. Appleton reminded electorates “As you go in that boot to vote, your future, education, healthcare, good housing, and fight against corruption are on the ballot”.

Senator Nyonblee Kanrga Lawrence of Grand Bassa County and national campaign manager of the Unity Party-Rescue Mission said they have over 600 volunteer foot soldiers in the field that are picking up more votes for Amb Boakai and the rescue mission for Tuesday’s election.

“I want to thank you for being out since 8 am this morning, we were in Grand Bassa County, picking up more votes and getting ready for Tuesday because the rescue team will be victorious. Amb. Boakai will be ready to roll out a new Liberia. We have over 600-foot soldiers in the field, and we will double that number. We want to inform Amb. Boakai and the Rescue Team, this time Grand Bassa will beat them” Senator Lawrence said.

However, Amb Boakai and his entourage were welcomed by elders from various districts of Grand Bassa County with thousands of jubilant supporters who stood from 8am to 8:30 pm before the rescue team arrived in Buchanan.

President Weah, a former international football star, won a runoff in the 2017 election against Boakai with 61.5% while the UP leader got 38.5 %.



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