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What Liberians Expect From Pres. Weah’s Address Today: Genuine, Positive Changes

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By M. Neywon Mengonfia,

Article 58 of the 1986 Constitution of Liberia mandates the President to on the fourth working Monday in January of each year ,to present the legislature program of the the administration for the ensuring session, and report to the Legislative on the state of the Republic, covering the worsening economic condition of the Nation, including measures to ensure smart expenditures.

In keeping with this constitutional provision, President George Will in few hours take to the podium to present his Legislative agenda to the Liberian Legislature.

Much is expected of the Liberian leader as he is expected to address the nation on the state of what many have called” ebb” economic why others have the view that the President will touch on the ongoing road projects he along with his team is undertaking in Liberia.

Some Liberians, who called in on various talk show from across the country, said they are expecting the President to dismiss those cabinet ministers who they said are not working in the interest of the Country.

Others also hold the views that if the President wants to achieve in the remaining three years of his administration, they see the need for him to take some hard code decisions which will safe his face from being what they called” Trump like” Presidency or serving for just one term as a President like former US President, Donald J. Trump.

James Kerkular said, “President Weah need to tell us something new today and not to just come come with his recitation. We want to hear some new things from what he has said three years back.”

Today’s SONA is the fourth time President Weah will be addressing the Liberian Legislature. His first SONA was after he was induced into office on January 22, 2018 at a jam-packed induction ceremony held on the Samuel Kanyon Doe’s Sports Complex in Paynesville. When he first addressed the Legislature the fourth working Monday that year, many of his critics said he was new to the Presidency and he needed time to adjust himself to how the executive works.

House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers in an interview few hours before the official commencement of President Weah’s fourth SONA, said they as the people’s representation are expected like he usually does to present his road map, works done in the past and how what was not done can be done.

The Speaker of the 54th Legislature said due to the presence of the COVID-19, they put in place restrictions to not have people clustered in the Court yard of the Capitol Building. Constitutionally, both the Liberian Senate and the House of Representatives shall between now and 3pm to 4pm pay host to the President, members of the Judiciary, diplomatic Community and other well-meaning Liberians.

At today’s SONA, according to constitution, when both the House of Representatives and the Senate meet in the joint session, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall preside.

Vice President, Jewel Howard-Tayler last year escaped the State of the Nation Address when she expressed her dislikes about how she was treated by the CDC led government headed by President Weah. What remain unknown is if all the “bad blood” between the two leaders has ended and she will attend this year’s address.


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