
When a man neglects Pregnancy and the Mother Dies in child birth

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-An SOS call for Neglected Twins in Lofa County, Liberia

By Tokpa Tarnue- tarnue82@gmail.com

Voinjama, Liberia- Shortly after Marie Emmanuel gave birth to healthy twins on May 18, 2019, she went unconscious. Unfortunately, the new mom never woke up.

The twins’ aunty, Marie Saah told this Reporter that “she had a little bit of bleeding, you know, and they tried doing what they could to stop it but she did not severed it” Marie said.

Marie, the deceased namesake, is on her own now trying to cater for the babies who she said are yet to be named in Voinjama, Lofa County, which is 244 miles northwest of the Liberian capital, Monrovia.

She indicated that the death of her namesake could be attributed to the denial of her pregnancy and by her abandoning by her boyfriend.

“According to eye wittiness, my namesake was communicating with her boyfriend while in pain when he told her on the phone that he was the owner of the pregnancy; that was how she dropped in tears,” caretaker Marie explained.  

She disclosed that since the death of her namesake, she has been caring for the kids on her own which a serious challenge is for her.

“To purchase glucose and milk for the kids at the moment including wearing and medication is my difficult for me as a single mother,” Marie said.

She therefore wants government and philanthropists to assist her in caring from the children to tell and tell their own stories as she foresees them being grate sons of Liberia.

“As a now single caretaker of two, Marie will need all the support she can get from friends and family to help her get ahead emotionally, as well as financially,” she told www.newspublictrust.com. “We are praying for Marie and the kids during this difficult time and any support from you all will be greatly appreciated.”

Caretaker Marie Saah can be reached through contact numbers 0776016440 / 0880206757 or through journalist Tokpa Tarnue on 0886465761 / 0776576649 and also tarnue82@gmail.com

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