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YWARP Mobilizing First-Time Voters To Promote Democratic Values

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The Young Women’s Actions for Rights Peace and Development (YWARPD) has completed the last of its First-Time Voters Town Hall Engagements in Montserrado County District #14.

It was in continuation of the project tilted, “Mobilizing First Time Voters To Espouse Democratic Values”.

The last engagement, which was held at MIE center in Clara Town, brought together three of the 12 candidates and provided the platform for First Time Voters to engage with representative candidates.

This is part of a series of engagements, which are supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).  As part of the meetings, the candidates presented their platforms to first time voters and also signed a First-Time Voters manifesto.

Previous engagements were held in Districts #s 2, 8, 11, 4 12 and 13.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of YWARPD, Ms. Richelle Marcelyn Allison has expressed her organization disappointment in the failure of some aspirants to show up for the various debates and described it as not healthy for democracy.

She said democracy is about ideas and it was necessary at all times for candidates to speak to the electorates.

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