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95 Days To Make All Roads Pliable: No Public Works Min., Deputies Named Yet

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After Boakai Announces Two Sets Of Appointments And Nominations

PHOTO: One of the many poor roads in Liberia

By Our Staff Writer

As part of his campaign promises to voters during the 2023 elections, Liberia’s new President Joseph Nyuma Boakai promised that within his first one hundred days in office, no vehicle will get stuck in the mud on major roads across this West African country, but nearly five days after taking office he is yet to name his Minister of Public Works.

In Liberia, the Public Works Ministry has the statutory responsibilities for road building, maintenance and other infrastructures.

Hundreds of kilometers of major roads leading into the southeast, central, western and northern Liberia become virtually impassable mainly during the rainy season, while even during the dry season many of them are relatively not pliable, something the new Liberian leader promised voters that he will do in his first hundred days in office. In fact, not pliable roads are also spread across some urban areas, with rural Montserrado County near the capital, Monrovia, being one example.

President Joseph Boakai taking the oath of office on January 22

The rains are due to begin falling regularly by April this year.

Among the 14 or so appointments the 79-year-old Liberian President, who was Vice President during the former regime of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, no official has been named to man the Ministry of Public Works, a concern some of the ruling Unity Party supporters have voiced out on the Spoon FM/TV talk show since inauguration day on Monday, January 22, 2024.

But so far neither the Minister nor deputies and Assistant Ministers of this crucial Ministry in the next less than 100 days have been named.

Poor condition of roads across the country has increased hardship seriously affected trade and commerce.

Meanwhile, President Boakai has since his induction nominated and appointed a number of cabinet Ministers and other officials, most of whom are subject to Senate Confirmation.

The first batch of five officials nominated/appointed by the new President are: Sylvester Grigsby, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs; Boima Kamara, Minister of Finance and Development Planning; Atty. Samuel Kofi Wood, National Security Advisor; Sam Gaye, Director of the presidential elite force, EPS; and Gregory Coleman, Inspector General of the Liberia National Police.

Additional appointments were announced yesterday, Wednesday, January 24, 2023 by the Executive Mansion:

Monrovia, Liberia – The President of the Republic of Liberia, H. E. Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. has nominated additional officials to positions in government affecting the ministries of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Commerce and Industry, Education, the Liberia Revenue Authority and the National Drug Enforcement Agency.

The nominees include.

1. Madam Sara Beysolow Nyanti, Minister of Foreign Affairs
2. Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah, Minister of Agriculture
3. Mr. Amin Modad, Minister of Commerce & Industry
4. Dr. Jarso Jallah Saygbe, Minister of Education
5. Dr. Louise Kpoto, Minister of Health
6. Mr. Dorbor Jallah, Commissioner General, Liberia Revenue Authority
7. Mr. Abraham K. Kromah, Director General – Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency.

The nominations made on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate where applicable.

Press Secretary Appointed

At the same time, the Executive Mansion today, Thursday, January 25, 2024 announcement the appointment of his Press Secretary by President Boakai. She is Ms. Kula Bonah Nyei Fofana,  a former Representative candidate in Grand Cape Mount County on the ruling UP ticket in the October 10, 2023 elections.

The appointment made Thursday, January 25th, 2024, takes immediate effect.

Ms. Fofana comes to the position with deep knowledge in public relations and communication, says the press release.

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