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ArcelorMittal Liberia Announces New Chief Executive Officer

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BUCHANAN, Grand Bassa − ArcelorMittal Liberia has announced Joep COENEN as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), an AML press release said on Tuesday, March 1, 2022..

Joep Coenen joins ArcelorMittal from Ambatovy JV in Madagascar where he led the mining team as Director, Mining Operations. He has worked in mining operations across the world including Australia, Papua New Guinea, Guinea, Mauritania, Ghana, as well as Liberia, for various companies, on projects, and in both underground and open pit operations.

The announcement of new CEO COENEN to oversee ArcelorMittal Liberia was made Wednesday, March 1 by Stefan Buys, Executive Vice President and CEO, ArcelorMittal Mining.

In his message CEO Buys heartedly welcomed the new ArcelorMittal Liberia CEO COENEN and wished he and the team in Liberia all the best.

CEO COENEN replaces Scott Lowe.

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