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Boy, 15, Admits Raping 3-Yr-Old Girl Now In Police Custody, Gbarpolu County

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Gashing Her Private Part In The Criminal Act

PHOTO: Belleh Varmah, boy Rapist in handcuff being escorted by police

By Garmah Never Lomo,

As rape gets more widespread across Liberia, a three-year-old baby girl has become one of the latest victims in Gbarpolu County, over 208 kilometers northwest of Monrovia and the alleged perpetrator has been arrested awaiting court trial.

The suspect is a 15-year-old boy known as Belleh Varmah in Bopolu District.

This criminal act occurred last weekend, after the three years old rape survivor had gone to get water from a nearby hand pump in the village. When the suspect saw her alone, he took advantage of that and put her on his lap and began inserting his penis into her private part.

But after he couldn’t get through easily the survivor private part but it couldn’t easily enter, the suspect decided to use razor blade to split the anus of the little girl, in order to enlarge it and satisfy his evil desire.

Usually, Saturdays are market days for the residents of Gbarpolu County, where almost everyone go out to do business at the nearby market.

As he started committing such wacked act, the girl began to cry bitterly and bleed profusely, amidst the pain. Her voice was heard by some residents, who later rushed to her rescue and caught the perpetrator Belleh Barmah red-handed.

In an interview with local Journalists, Barmah admitted that he did the act and has not regret for doing so.

In fact, he said that he has been in the habit of raping little children in the area, but some family members are said to have been compromising such actions.

Since his arrest, the boy has not shown any remorse but he has reportedly been boasting that nothing will come out of his latest action.

The little rape survivor is currently at the Chief Jallahlone referral medical hospital in Gbarpolu County’s capital, Bopolu undergoing intensive medical treatment, while the perpetrator has been charged and he is expected to forwarded to court today August 12,2020.

Meanwhile, both the Rural Women President, Bendu Jah and the County’s Gender Coordinator, Musu Massaquoi have condemned the wicked act of suspect Barmah in the strongest term.

They are calling for urgent prosecution for this evil act, despite the fact that the perpetrator is a teenager.

They have also given their full backing to the recent suggestion by the Chief of Staff of the Arm Forces of Liberia (AFL), Major General Prince C. Johnson for people who rape children under ten years must face the death penalty.

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