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Carter Center Commences 2021 National Training For CJAS In Bong, Liberia

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By Emmanuel Mafelah,

GBARNGA, Liberia- The Carter Center through its Access to Justice Project Rule of Law (ROL) program-Liberia with support from the government of Sweden is currently conducting its 2021 national training for the Community Justice Advisors (CJAS) project in Gbarnga, Bong County

Carter Center has worked in Liberia since 2006 on increasing the ability of people to access justice, get information, and access mental health services.

Since 2006, the Carter Center’s Access to Justice (ATJ) project has employed a partnership model to support community justice and civic education services through community engagement, local justice institution strengthening, and national-level legal policy reform.

Giving the overview of the 2021 National Community Justice Advisors project in the County, the program lead of the Carter Center, (TCC) Rule of Law program-Liberia, Saah N’Tow said that the Carter Center rule of law program have been partnering with Liberia’s traditional leaders, local organizations and formal justice actors.

This is to help people understand the law, resolve disputes and access justice through their community leaders, the police and the court.

The Carter Center’s activities in Liberia according to him are designed to complement longer-range investments by the international community and the government of Liberia to strengthen the formal justice and security sectors.

In order to reach the ultimate goal of a democratic and peaceful Liberia governed by the rule of law, Saah N’Tow  stated that it is important all persons shall have an equitable right of access to justice that can be exercised to improve their lives, the lives of their family, and the community.

“This project aims to strengthen the rule of law by enhancing meaningful access to justice for marginalized citizens by ensuring that citizens are more aware of and supported to protect their legal rights,” Mr. N’Tow.

After the weeklong training, Mr. Saah N’Tow said that the community advisors will be trained in order to continue with the raising of awareness about citizen’s legal rights and providing legal assistance through advice, alternative dispute resolution, referral, and accompaniment with strong dispute resolution, civic education outreach, and case handling skills.

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