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Citizens Protests Begin, Demanding Lawmakers Return US$15K Each To Gov’t Coffers

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PHOTO: Few of the protesters (Fubbie Henries-Left)

By Mark N. Mengonfia-

Liberian Lawmakers have been promised that they will be confronted daily by protests from citizens who are disenchanted by the US$15,000.00 they recently received from government coffers, while they are to shortly receive additional 15 thousand each for what they call, “legislative engagement”. The citizens are demanding that the protests will continue if the funds are not returned to government coffers.

In all, the over one hundred Senators and Representatives have pocked over US$1.5 million.

The series of promised protest actions started on Tuesday, June 29, 2021. It was another scene of action at the Capitol Building in Monrovia, seat of the Liberian Legislature, when some citizens gathered to ask their lawmakers to resituate the sum 15 thousand US dollars each they received recently.

The citizens went at the Capitol Building under a banner, “Return the 15k.”

The group of Liberians carried plackets with the names and numbers Sen. Saah Joseph, Sen. Darius Dillon, Rep. Thomas Fallah, Rep. Dixson Sebo, Rep. Edward Flomo and all other lawmakers who have a share of the “controversial 15 thousand” calling on them to have the money returned.

Defected Mont. County District #9 Representative Candidate Fubbi Henries said, “We will give their numbers and emails addresses to the public. They will receive calls and emails from the public.”

According to him, they will consistently embarrass their lawmakers to ensure that the issue of the money does not die like other issues in Liberia.

He said, “We will not rest until every lawmaker returns the US$15K to the Liberian people.”

Reasons for which the group of Liberians are demanding for the money in question according to them currently is that  Liberia is undergoing serious economic and health threats and it is unfair for lawmakers to reward themselves(Lawmakers) with this huge amount.

While gathering at the grounds of the Capitol, they were heard saying, “Legislators must return the Liberian peoples’ money.”

They went on chanting, “The Lawmakers must return the Liberian peoples’ US$15,000”.

According to the protesters, the 15 they each collected in the name of Legislative Engagements can be directed to improving the health sector of the country.”

Liberian lawmakers each received the sum of 15 thousand as part payment of a total of 30 thousand to each lawmaker under a line they themselves placed the National Budget titled,” Legislative Engagement.”

But since the lawmakers started received the money early June, there have been public outcries that the people they elected as their direct representatives do not have feelings for the ordinary Liberians.

Many Liberian see their lawmakers’ action “broad day witch” being performed by the lawmakers.

Some who called on radio, expressed regrets for voting for some of those lawmakers who they felt would have liberated them of what has been happening at the Liberian Legislature.

AB Darius Dillon Factor

When the money was received, few lawmakers including Bong County Senators Prince K Moye, Henrique Togbah and Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon took to their facebook page informing Liberians that they received 15 thousand for Legislative Engagement/ Project.


“Our office has received $15,000.00USD from the Senate via the Ministry of Finance for “Legislative Engagements/Projects.” We will ensure the amount is utilized for the intended purposes.”

This information from those lawmakers went wide, thus causing Montserrado County Senator, AB. Dillon to pronounce that he was turning his share of the money over to Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE) to construct a public library for the people of Montserrado County, but his request to LACE was turned down and his next option was to present some of the money over to the Ministry of Health for it to be used to get what is needed to stand against the Covid 19 fight, offer was turndown again by the Health authorities.

Days later when the lawmakers received public criticisms, and his money rejected by LACE and Health Minister and at the same time receiving calls from affiliating political parties leaders, Dillon went back on his facebook page and said next time he will seek counsel before settling for money of such.

As it is now, the pressure is on the back of the Senators and Representatives to resituate the full amount for it to be directed to other areas of priorities.

Whether or not the legislators will return the 15 thousand US dollars each remains to be seen, but the debate goes on.

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