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Supreme Court Chambers Justice Cites Prosecutor, Capitol Building Fire Suspect To Conference

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Amid Mutual Mistrust Between Prosecution And Defense Lawyers

FLASHBACK: Arson suspect Thomas Etheridge recently during a drama outside the court

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- The Supreme Court Chambers Justice Yamie Qui-qui Gbeisay is has cited both government lawyers and suspect Thomas Etheridge to a conference on Monday, January 20, 2025, in the Capitol Building fire incident, following a writ of Certiorari filed by government lawyers.

A writ of Certiorari is a writ seeking the Supreme Justice to review a decision made by a lower court judge.

Suspect Etheridge is said to be a staff member of the embattled House Speaker Fonati Koffa.

The arson Suspect was arrested on Friday, January 10, 2025, and taken to the Liberian National Police Headquarters for investigation in connection to the Capitol Building fire incident. Gov’t lawyers Want Supreme Court Justice Overturn Judge’s Ruling In Case Of Capitol Arson Attack Suspect – News Public Trust

In his directive, Associate Justice Gbeisay cited both parties to a conference to hear each side of the story. His directive reads as follows:

“By directive of His Honor Yamie Qui-qui Gbeisay, Sr, Associate Justice presiding in Chambers, you are hereby cited to a conference with His Honor on Monday, January 20, 2025, at the hour of 10:00 am, in connection with the above captioned case.

“The Justice’s citation comes following a Peri for a Writ of Prohibition filed by Montserrado County lead prosecutor, Cllr. Richard Scott sought the Chambers Justice to halt the release of the alleged arson suspect by Judge Koiboi Nuta of Criminal Court “B” at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia.

Recently, state prosecutors were seeking the Chambers Justice to overturn Judge Nuta ruling in the Habeas Corpus petition which saw Suspect Etheridge being released to his guarantors.

Cllr. Scott through the Ministry of Justice took Criminal Court “B” Judge to the Chambers Justice seeking to stop him from allowing the alleged Suspect Thomas in the Capitol Building fire incident from going to hospital by himself with his relatives because they cannot be trusted.

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