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Court sends woman, 21 to jail for killing boyfriend over July 26 festivity money

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By Garmah Never Lomo,

After Liberian police charged her with murder, a 21-year-old woman has been sent to jail at the Monrovia Central Prison by the Criminal Court “A” for allegedly killing her boyfriend on July 26 in a row over money to celebrate the festive season.

Ms. Marthaline Kollie, who is awaiting trial, was imprisoned on Tusday, August 7, 2019 after appearing in court for stabbing her boyfriend, James Tweh to death for not giving her sufficient money for the July 26 celebrations.

21-year-old woman being whisked off to jail with another suspect

According to police charge sheet, defendant Marthaline Kollie is violation of Chapter 14 Sub chapter “A” section 14.1 of the revised penal code of Liberia.

Defendant Kollie was arrested, acquainted with her constitutional rights, investigated and subsequently charged with the crime of Murder for purposely, knowingly and internationally stabbing victim James Tweh on his right thigh below his groin on July 26, 2019 at 1430hrs which later resulted to his death.

During police investigation conducted to establish facts and circumstances which led to the death of James Tweh, detail inquiries and information revealed that a day prior to the incident, the defendant left her Barnersville Estate residence and went to the deceased working place at Barnesville, “”Bend and Stop” community to request for money for the July 26 celebration.

Police charge sheet disclosed that after the daily sales, the deceased asked his boss the Prophet Gas Station owner (Mr. Samuel Worloh) to give defendant Marthaline one thousand eight hundred Liberian dollars ($1,800) which he did and she left.

But after few hours, she returned requesting for an additional money because according what was earlier given to her was not sufficient. Therefore, he told his boss to give additional five hundred Liberian dollars (500). Another worker who name was not mentioned added additional five hundred ($500) Liberian dollars and she exited the place.

The police charge sheet also established that the next day which was 26 of July 2019, during the early morning hours while they at work at the filling station, the defendant surfaced and took away a black plastic bag which the deceased claimed contained his 26 clothes.

But further details uncovered that his boss Samuel Worlo sent the deceased to his house for his food, that upon the deceased return, he asked his boss to allow him go to defendant Marthaline house to appeal for his clothes. The investigation revealed that his boss warned him not to stay too long because they were two at the filling station. But before going at the defendant house, he requested for three hundred Liberian dollars ($300) that he would work and pay his boss back the money.

The investigation continued that after she left with the items, the victim followed and went to the defendant house and gave her seven hundred Liberian dollars (700) in returned she gave him back his plastic bag which contained trouser and boxer and further asked the victim to paid for the black plastic bag she bought to put the items in.

While, he was taking the money out of his pocket, he took out a large sum of money which prompted the defendant to demand that he check said amount before her very eyes but upon his refusal to adhere to her demand a fight ensued while they were still in the room, he grabbed the attachment on her head, butt her in the face and managed to escape from the room.

However, when she came outside and did not see the victim, she took a large blue and white handle kitchen knife put it on her side and followed the deceased to his work place at bend and stop. She is said to have complained that the deceased to his boss, she saw her friend and roommate Patricia Patrick with deceased on a motor bike riding from the estate toward her.

It was further established during the investigation that while his boss was eating, defendant Marthaline surfaced at the filling station and complained that she was beaten by the deceased who went to her house and his told her to wait for him as he complete his  eating.

While, she was awaiting him to finish eating his food, within that time, the deceased arrived on motorbike, while he was getting down she ran to him and they started fighting, the filling station boss got from behind his box to go separate them, defendant Marthaline has already stabbed the deceased with the a big blue and white handle kitchen knife around his private part.

Also, her boyfriend’s boss parted them, but the deceased was weak, helpless and bleeding profusely, so he got a bike and quickly rushed the victim to the Leech Clinic located in Barnesville Kebah Road.

But was referred to a renounced facilitate; where they later got to the Trinity Healing Temple clinic, they were again referred to the Redemption Hospital located in the Monrovia suburb of New Kru Town. However, the victim died en route and his death was confirmed by Medics thereat that the victim was Death On Arrival (DOA).

The victim body was taken back to the filling station in Barnesville bend and stop and family was contacted but as for the defendant she was earlier arrested on the scene after the incident and taken to Zone four deport one and transferred to Central police headquarters.

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