Bailiff Koon Is Also Said To Have Lied To Judge
PHOTO: Bailiff Prince Koon behind bars for pretending to be a Lawyer
By Garmah Never Lomo,
The Resident Circuit Judge of the Second Judicial, Grand Bassa County, Judge Joe S. Barkon has sent to jail at the Buchanan Central prison for 30 days Criminal Court ‘A’ Bailiff Prince Koon for impersonating as a lawyer.
According to Judge Barkon, Prince Koon was allowed to practice before the Second Judicial Court on separate occasions; December 23 and 30th, respectively.
He further lied to the Judge that he is working with the Central Law offices of Cllr. Jimmy Bombo and when verified, it was incorrect.
Prince Koon claims to be a graduate of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law but after verification, it was established he never ever enrolled therein and failed to state which year he graduated.
Prince Koon is an employee of the Judiciary and assigned as Assistant Clerk at Crminal ‘A’ Temple of Justice.
The Judge has meanwhile, ordered the Clerk to do a formal complaint to the Chief Justice and the Court Administrator right after the New Year Holiday.