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Drinking Water Source Risk Being Contaminated By Poor Sanitation In Margibi County

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Several Community Inhabitants Call For Improved Sanitation

By: Abraham K. Kollie,

Contact: 0770412341/0888542937

Several Community dwellers, mainly in the Twenty-Six Gate community are calling on the national government and nongovernmental organizations to help improve water and sensation in their respective communities.

As the situation worsens, calls were heightened over the weekend.

Water and sanitation remain a major challenge for residents of the twenty-six (26th) gate community in Kakata.

The community leadership is now calling on the national government and NGOs to help them in providing safe drinking water.

Old man Big Foko, a resident of the community speaking to reporters added that for the past three months now the only Three hand puns they normally used to get drinking water got damaged and they are now finding it difficult to get drinking water. As a result, they will have to go to a nearby creek to fetch water which is not saved for their health care system in the County.

According to him, their children are getting sick daily as such it is important that National governments and NGOs help them in the process.

“We suffering in this Community, our children are down with Pupu and Pepe Sickness. All our hand pumps na spoiled and we can Drink from the creeks,” he claimed.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the sixth (26th) gate Community Mr. Arron Q. Sayee confirmed the information and said it’s sad to see a Community in the County Capital hosting over five thousand inhabitants in such a bad condition. And oldman Foko is calling on well-meaning Liberian to come to their aid adding that the lack of safe drinking water is a death track for his community dwellers.

“My citizens and I are suffering for water business in this Community. We drink pupu water and say it’s drinking water in this Community, people usually wash dirty Clothes on top of the water while others drink to the downside of the Water,” Chairman Sayee added.

The 26-Gate Community Chairman further called on Margibi County District#3 lawmaker and the Margibi County Legislative caucus to make a quick intervention to save his people from such a calamity.

“We are called to a Tall Hall Meeting and District sitting by our elected officials but each time we put the issue of Safe Drinking water they shift to projects that are not in the interest of the people,” he stressed.

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