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Nigerian envoy urges citizens in Liberia to remain law abiding

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-At induction of officials of Nigerian Community

By Augustine Octavius,

The Nigerian Ambassador accredited near Monrovia has called on Nigerians residing in Liberia to remain law abiding and work towards developing their host country.

Ambassador James Dimka called for peaceful co-existence between the Nigerian descendants and their host communities, in order to achieve the reasons for which they are in Liberia.

The Nigerian envoy made the call when he spoke at the induction ceremony of the Nigerian Community and Descendants Union of Liberia held at the Nigerian House in Monrovia.

He urged Nigerians to always exhibit good character and behaviors in order to continue to portray the good image of Nigeria in Liberi and other parts of the world.

Ambassador Dimka thanked the outgoing and in-coming leaderships of the Nigerian Community and Descendants Union of Liberia for the peaceful transfer of power.

In his induction speech, the newly installed President of the Nigerian Community and Descendants Union of Liberia, Harrison Aniukwu, noted that the union is committed and dedicated to a mission to serve humanity.

“Our leadership will remain resolute to this agenda as we ensure that the true serviced will our hallmark,” he said; adding: “we welcome everyone to team up with the executive to ensure the cause is given the best that it deserves.”

“We wish to solicit for your cooperation and also appealed that we all obey the laws of the Republic of Liberia,” Mr. Aniukwu pointed out.

“You need to obtain appropriate documents that will enhance your smooth stay in Liberia and do not engage in activities that are against the laws thereby tarnishing the image of our dear country and endanger hatred among Nigerian and Liberians.”

“If you know anyone doing thing that may bring ridicule to the image of our dear country, Nigeria,” Deacon Aniukwu said; adding: “please do not harbor such individual, rather , expose them to the union executives,”

Officers of the Nigerian Community and Descendants Union of Liberia take oath of office for a two-year term form  Associate Judge at the Commercial Court, Cha Cha Peagar

He expressed the hope and desire that will build on the cordial working relationship that is existing between his administration and the Liberian government.

Deacon Akiukwu pledged his unflinching cooperation to the leadership at the Nigerian Embassy and promised to work with the embassy in protecting the image of Nigeria and its citizens in Liberia.

The NCDUL President also pledged for the mutual benefit of the good stewardship will be strived to ensure strong cordial relationship existing between the Liberians and Nigerians in Liberia .

Deacon Akiukwu then called on the Liberian government to open the doors to the union as they are committed to work closely with all honest and sincere people throughout the country.

Chief Cyril Allen, Chairman Emeritus of the National Patriotic Party and Chairman of the governing council of the Coalition for Democratic Change

Also speaking at the occasion, the Chairman of the governing council of the Coalition for Democratic Change, Chief Cyril Allen, , cautioned the newly installed leadership of the union to use his garvel of authority wisely and prudently.

Chief Allen, who is also the Chairman Emeritus of the former governing National Patriotic Party, disc losed that the union gfoes at far at 1945 when his father, along with Jones Waribi, Peter Oghogho and Oneyama and others were officials of the organization.

According to him , the union is not a new one but people have come with a new dynamism and leadership as well as new laws to meet contemporary reality.

For his part, the Acting Commissioner General of the Liberia Immigration Service, Moses Yebleh, disclosed that there are 20 million Nigerians living in outside Nigeria.

According to him, all men and women  are migrants from somewhere on this earth and people migrate for different reasons

He described the Nigerian migrants as partners in progress because the taxes they are paying are in one way or the other assisting in the development in the country.

He said that Nigerians have made remittances in the amount of almost 20 billion United States Dollars annually to their home country

The Liberian government was officially represented by the Liberia’s Chief of Protocol, Reverend Jarvis Witherspoon at the occasion.

Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gbezongar Findley, Reverend Witherspoon , appealed to the newly inducted leadership to uphold the respect for the constitution and the laws of the land.

“We pray that the strong relationship existing between Liberia and Nigeria continue to grow stronger and move from strength to strength.”

“Liberia is the oldest country on the African Continent but repect Nigeria as our bigger brother,” he said; adding: “we will like to appreciate what this great nation has done over the years and continue to do for us.”.

The program was graced by a cross session of people including officials of the Liberian government including Senator Dollars Gweh, members of the business community and elders.

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