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Education Min. Sonii Says “No Single Genius Can Transform Liberia”

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PHOTO: Min. Sonii addressing students in Grand Bassa County

Liberia’s Education Minister, Professor Ansu Sonii has observed that “no single genius can transform the country” without collective efforts.

He cautioned students to make the ultimate sacrifice by being studious and hard-working, in order to prepare for the future.

According to him, President George Weah is concerned about youth development, because Liberia will not transition into a developed nation without the full involvement of young people.

Minister Sonii spoke at the engagement of citizens on the improve results in secondary school education project held in the port city of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County over the weekend.

The project, which is funded by the World Bank in the tone of 46 million United States Dollars, will include the renovation of 156 high schools, the elevation of 25 junior high to secondary high schools and awarding of scholarships to 3,000 female students.

Other benefits of the improve results in secondary school education project include the forwarding of 300 university graduates abroad for master degrees, the construction of three high schools in three populated counties and the recruitment of 200 guidance counselors to be deployed in rural schools throughout the country.

The Buchanan program was graced by senior students of the Bassa High School, the Kpanay High School the Goblee High School, local officials of the government and executives of the Parents Teachers Association.

Need to revive Liberia’s education system

In his address to the students, Minister Sonii said: “Since the end of the crisis, education has deepened downward and it is a challenge to turn it upward, to positively affect the lives of one and half million people into productive citizens. It doesn’t make sense when the students do not take advantage of the donor assistance,” the Education Minister said.

“This is your home, you may admire others; but, if you do not build yours, outsiders will not, and it will never be built. Take charge of what belongs to us; because if you don’t, you will be fooling yourselves if you think we will keep begging others to build it. We are depending on you because our time is almost up,” Prof. Sonii warned Liberian students.

According to him, some of these students still have about 60 or 70 years ahead of them, but what in this world will they want to do these remaining years?” he asked.

“What Liberia do you want to see at the age of 60 of 70?” Minister Sonni questioned; saying that the Liberia that you will want to see must start with your preparation now. If you do not begin transforming this country now , then you will be faced with the challenges from the children of the nation they are born in the future,” Prof. Sonii added.

“You and I did not choose to be born here because it was done by our parents; but, the biggest challenge is to fail to own and build this country   to the standard you want it to be because it is no more the people’s thing.”

Minister Sonii urged the students to wake up from their slumber, if not, someone else will occupy it, if they do not prepare themselves for the future only because they misuse the opportunity, they will lost it

The Eductaion Minister warned that all the money spent on the education sector will be nonsense if the students refuse to learn and they will lose their spaces, because the world is getting more competitive more than ever before.

According to him, Liberia is looking for people who will stand in the gap about 30 or 40 years from now when they are gone off the scene for retirement.

“You got to rise up and take your space because God has given everyone a space because nobody is born without a talent and if you sit on yours, it will never rise. Find your talents while youthfulness is in your favor,” he said; adding: “because the ladders are waiting for you to climb the higher heights and take your space in the society.”

Commenting on the role of parents, he said parents will have to take ownership of school builds in their communities by rallying around the government.

Parents who have large number of children and are not prepare to educate them to carry their zippers up, instead of producing them to suffer and they will become a burden on the society “because God does not support stupidity”, the Liberian Education Minister added.

“Lots of fathers leave their children with their mothers without helping to see about their education and walk away, because these are irresponsible creatures. If you are not prepare to assist in educating your children, keep your pence up because Liberia is not animal kingdom. You know what you did before you born them and you want to be changing five shoes, wearing the best of clothes knowing very well that you don’t have the means; so keep your pence up.”

“Do not born lot of children and depend on government to help you because government was not the referee or help you to bring down your pence .”

The Minister explained that when one becomes having children is an indication that person’s time is up because if he or she is making small salary, there will no time for luxury.

According to him , there will be no time for buying new shoes, clothes and drinking the best of beer and wine because he or she makes will for education of the children.. Report by Augustine Octavius,

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