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FEATURE-GLIMPSE OF REALITY: After Report, New Flag Hoisted At Temple Of Justice

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TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- Authorities of the Judiciary have now (Friday) acted to replace a torn out flag, which had been flying over the grounds of the Temple of Justice for a very long time, with a brand new one.

The adage, “little things matter” came into play earlier this week when www.newspublictrust.com published a piece on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, heightening the need to change the worn out Liberian national flag of Liberia being hoisted on the grounds of the Temple of Justice, seat of Liberia’s third branch of government.

The piece published highlighted the fact that the previous flag was in a bad shape and needed changing, as captured by the camera of our Reporter on Wednesday.

Now, within 48 hours the worn out flag was earlier today (Friday, September 10, 2021) brought down and replaced with a brand new red, white and blue national enzyme of the Republic.


One source said that the previous worn out flag, which was flying up to Friday, goes back to the years of the regime of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and it is still serving the current regime of President George M. Weah.

The red, white and blue could not easily be recognized in the current Liberian flag due to it deplorable state.

That seemed not to have claimed the attention of administrative authorities at the Temple of Justice. But now, with its replacement today, it certainly has now claimed their attention.

Surely, this flag in question was not a good representation of the national enzyme, especially on the grounds of public buildings.

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