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Finally: Red Light Market Removed With Demolition, Major Road Works To Progress

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By Our Staff Writer

The famous Redlight Market in the Monrovia suburb of Paynesville was on Sunday July 11, 2021 demolished to pave way for progress of road construction between here and the ELWA, although it has left some marketers unhappy about the move.

Marketers were repeatedly warned to abandon the congested commercial area and relocate to the newly constructed Omega Market also in Paynesville.

Last week, there was an agreement reached between the Liberia Marketing Association (LMA) and the government (Ministries of Internal Affairs and Public Works) that the demolition and relocation of the market take effect by July 12.

“The Omega Market they are sending us to is small for all of us. No enough place to keep our goods after selling. So they telling us that after selling we put our goods on our heads and go home? They killed us. My People they the Government killed us,” wept Sianneh Kullie, an affected dry good peddler.

As the demolition went on some of the affected sellers began trooping to the designated market site to find spaces.

“I know it hurts because this is what these people are depending on for livelihood. But the Government did well to have cleared this Redlight Market. See how the street sellers have made this area a no go area for vehicles because of the congestion. Even an ambulance can find no easy way to pass through. Even pedestrians. Can you imagine? So for me it’s okay. It’s not bad at all, Steven Johnson,” an educator said.

Last minute, some marketers still trying to sell what they can sell 

With the exception of the market building which was built in prewar days in the heart of Redlight, all other structures were completely demolished. Minister Ruthy Coker Collins had earlier warned that the Government was going to leave no stone unturned in ensuring the closure and relocation of the Redlight market.



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