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First Steps In Fighting Narcotic Drugs & Corruption Begin: Boakai Orders CBL, NSA And EPS Audit

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As He And VP Koung Lead Gov’t Officials In Drug Test

The Executive Mansion on Wednesday and Thursday February 7 and 8, 2024 reported two important stories that indicate first steps in actualizing two key campaign promises made by President Joseph Boakai in his 2023 election campaign and his first State of the Nation Address on January 22 this year.

They are his vow to fight the illicit drug menace and audit the CDC government of former President George Manneh Weah as seen in two separate press releases.

But surprisingly two of the places the General Auditing Commission (GAC) have been mandated to audit by the 79-year-old Liberian leader–the National Security Agency (NSA) and the presidential elite force, Executive Protective Service (EPS) have until now almost been immuned from audit. Being publicly subjected to audit is rare. With millions of US dollars being allotted to them over the years, they have virtually being untouched as their expenditures were said to be covert operations.


President Boakai Mandates GAC To Audit CBL, EPS And NSA


Executive Mansion, Monrovia – The President of the Republic, H.E Joseph Nyuma Boakai has directed the General Auditing Commission (GAC) to conduct a comprehensive audit of three key government institutions, including the Central Bank of Liberia, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Executive Protection Service (EPS).

President Boakai, in a communication to the Auditor General of the GAC, requests that the audit covers the period between 2018 and 2023, and that it the findings be reported in three months.

The audit period spans the six-year stewardship of the erstwhile government, which President Boakai promised to audit as President.

The audit of the three institutions marks the beginning of a holistic audit of government ministries and agencies in keeping with the President’s commitment to fighting corruption as well as ensuring transparency and accountability in the governance of the country.

President Boakai at different public engagements, most notably, the campaign period, the inaugural address and the annual message committed and recommitted to ensuring that a comprehensive audit of the previous government is done.

During his Annual Message, President Boakai announced that what his predecessor reported on the state of the country’s financial standing at the CBL was far from reality based on documentary records and re-emphasized the need to audit the CBL and other agencies.

“The net international reserves position reported at the end of December 2023 was US$220 million. The report of US $40 million as the GoL’s consolidated account balance as at January 19, 2024 is not supported by the fact. The balance reported by the CBL as of the same date was US$20.5 million, highly encumbered, NOT US$40 million,” President Boakai announced during the Annual Message.

He furthered that “to this end, we re-emphasize our earlier commitment to audit and ensure that regular audits will be a culture across all branches of government, not only the Executive.”

It will also be the first time in years that the EPS and NSA, two security entities that receive budgetary allocations, are being audited.

President Boakai Tests Negative After Taking Drugs Test; Reechoes His Stands On The Fight Against The Drugs Epidemic In The Country

 Executive Mansion, Monrovia – The President of the Republic of Liberia H.E. Joseph Nyuma Boakai has tested negative of drugs and other illegal substances after he led an array of government officials to undergo the examination at the Executive Mansion.

President Boakai’s action to avail himself to the examination conducted by the renowned Wellness Partners Clinic under the auspices of his Committee on Drugs & Substance Abuse headed by the Ministry of Health is in fulfillment of commitment made that he would leave no stone unturned in combating the prevalence of drugs and other substance abuse.

President Boakai takes his drug test

In his Annual Message to the nation a week and half ago, President Boakai declared drugs and other substance abuse a “National Health Emergency” and reechoed that he and his Vice President would take the drug test as a catalyst for other government officials to do same.

“The drug epidemic, especially the use of “KUSH”, in our country is an essential threat eating away the future of our children and the country. We must stand up and face the national security risk together,” he declared.

Additionally, as part of efforts to combat the drugs epidemic, President Boakai established a multi-sectorial committee consisting of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Gender , Ministry of Finance, and the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency to address the current drugs abuse crises.

After his result was announced by the Wellness Partners Clinic Doctor-In-Charge, Nicole Cooper, President Boakai thanked members of the team for the excellent work done and complimented other government officials for forming part of the process in realization of the commitment made by him to fight drugs and substance abuse in the country. He called on the Committee to swiftly work together with other stakeholders to ensure the collective fight is realized. s

Officials of government who also participated in the process included Honorable Jeremiah Kpan Koung, Vice President, Finance and Development Planning Minister, Boima Kamara, Minister of State, Sylvester Grigsby, Foreign Minister-Designate, Sarah Beysolow-Nyanti, Justice Minister-Designate, Cllr. Cooper W. Kruah, Madam Gbemie Horace Kollie, Gender Minister and the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency Director, Abraham Kromah, among many others.

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