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Fishermen Excited Over Distribution Of Free Outboard Machines, Nets In Sinoe

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PHOTO: One of the Fishery Cooperatives Receiving outboard Engines from NaFAA’s DDGTS Hon. William Y. Boeh 

Greenville, Sinoe County-Local fisherfolks in Greenville, Sinoe County Monday May 2, 2022 extolled the Liberian government through the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) for initiating programs geared towards improving their livelihoods.

The fishermen were speaking in Greenville following the distribution of free YAMAHA outboard engines and thread Nets to enhance their capacity, a NaFAA press release says.

They lauded President Weah and NaFAA for the intervention, while assuring that the fishing gears will positively impact the fisheries industry in the county.

Recently, the fisheries body announced that fisherfolks in four Southeastern counties of Liberia namely Maryland, Grand Kru, River Cess and Sinoe would begin receiving free YAMAHA engines and fishing nets.

The exercise in the Southeast followed the climax of distribution in other coastal counties including Montserrado, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount and Margibi.

The engines were donated to the Liberian government through NaFAA by the Japanese government, while the nets are gift from the World Bank.

NaFAA’s Deputy Director General for Technical Services, Mr. William Y. Boeh is leading a team for the exercise which kicked off in Sinoe today. The consignment has already been sent to the counties awaiting the arrival of the team.

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